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You've stumbled onto the page that describes life for the Carey family in Japan. Gomen nasai! News flash! We're moving back to the U.S. on 18 December 1999.Stories and letters: Lunch with the Empress. Latest letter home: April 21 CWAJ's 50th Anniversary, plus stories of spring break in Boracay. Click on "Most Recent Pictures" above for pictures of Theresa and Anne in Takayama, Paul and Natasha's wedding, Lair of the Bear, beach fun in Boracay, cherry blossoms in Tokyo, Thanksgiving in Beijing and Christmas Down under.
We moved here in August, 1997 after living in Palo Alto for 20 years. Kent was the site manager for Hewlett-Packard's research labs in Mizunokuchi and is now the department manager for Agilent Technologies research lab. The kids are attending Seisen International School which is fairly close by. We live in a house in Setagaya-ku near the Futako-Tamagawaen station on the Shin-Tamagawa line. Take a peek at the HP 1998 Annual Report for a writeup of HP Labs Japan's blue laser. (Scroll about 2/3 of the way through the document. Then hit BACK to return to this page.)
To give you an idea of where we are, here's a map of Tokyo and of Setagaya-ku. We're in the bottom left quadrant of the Setagaya map -- you can see our closest subway station here. (Warning: these are rather large files and might take 30 seconds or so to load.)
Letters! My letters home page is a collection of emails written to family and friends that describe what it took to get here, how we settled in, and what life is like here.
Photos!Check out my Photo Gallery if you want to see pictures of a variety of Careys and friends frolicking in Japan, some shots of summer fun, a few antique photos and many other surprises.
Articles and Other Fun! I'm continuing to submit articles to publications such as Barron's and Microsoft Interactive Developer. You can use the Barron's link if you're a subscriber to the Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition ... otherwise you'll just have to take my word for it. My former editor, Howard, now editor of Barron's Online, would prefer that you subscribe though. You can find most of my 1998 and 1999 Barron's columns on the Links page. Here's the cover story on online brokers I wrote for the 15 March 1999 edition. I was the "guest speaker" for a Wall Street Journal Interactive Conference because of this story. And here's an excerpt from my September 1999 "New Stuff" column for MIND (click on the New Stuff button on the right). You have to take a peek at the gang of nerds that writes for this publication ... be sure to click on the Contributors button. (An article list is coming soon! Many Barron's columns available on the "Links" page.) In January 1998, I joined the College Women's Association of Japan , and here's what the group is up to. I was appointed Website Coordinator for 1999; good deed never go unpunished.
Links!! I'm also building a page of links to other sites on the Web. Lots of info about visiting Japan here now -- more to come. And you can help!
This page is obviously doomed to be constantly under construction. (Think of San Francisco International Airport or the Winchester Mystery House...) Last update 13 December 1999.
Send Email to Theresa by clicking here.
Or send an email to Kent at HP Labs.
Colleen would love to hear from you too; you can email her by clicking right here. Visit Colleen's Web Page too.
And we can't leave Kate out of the email action; click on this spot to send her a note.
Please come back soon and visit this mess.
Guess what time it is in Tokyo right now? It's
And how's the weather? Are we having a lovely day? Take a look at CNN's Tokyo weather.
Nice to have you visit! You're # since October 8th, 1997.
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Contents of this page (c)1997, 1998, 1999 Theresa W. Carey. No reproduction of text or photos without permission.
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