Well, as you can see, the page has had a bit of a facelift. (aka- I got bored)
Some of the old links have stayed up, but some have been replaced by better ones.
Enough of my rambling...on with the page!

Last Updated:10/13/01

My Pages

Saber Marionettes J Shrine

My Avatar Page!




This cute lil kitty is Neko (my page's mascot!).  As you can see, she's very energetic & wants a good home (or desktop) to chase mice in.  She comes in white (as above), tabby, siamese, etc.  So make a little room  for her! ^_^

 Otaku World
Just as the name implies!

Paper Dolls, Anime style!
 The KISS directory of Paper Dolls

A directory of personal anime pages

  Anime Pitstop!
The Other Anime search engine

 Japanese to English Dictionary Server
For those of you who don't have one at home ^_~

 Cherry Blossom Gardens
Authentic Japanese gifts



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