APRIL 27, 2000:
Yusuke's Arena is pretty much as good as dead; I finally got it through my thick skull that there is no way I can update this and my other sites without neglecting something in there. (Considering how I suck at updating, ehehehe ^^;;) If you want more Yu Yu Hakusho however, please go my site, The Yusuke Pavillion at http://www.throwstones.org/yusuke!!! (It's basically dedicated to Yusuke, but there's some other random Yu Yu Hakusho junk there.) If you'd like to see more of me/my sites, just hop on over to petulance.net, the domain I share with Ren'ai and Sigel Phoenix. Please update all bookmarks, and thanks for your patronage at Yusuke's Arena.
If you'd still like to see Yusuke's Arena though, go on in. It's a little dusty and overgrown, but there are some things you can still look at. ^^;;