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Welcome to My Experience in Japan's Homepage

Good day.
This is my real experience in Japan from 3rd September to 17th November 1997. When I put up this page, the site restricted the storage capacity to up to 3MB. With that constraint, images were compressed and some of the pages would not be available to internet users. Then, it upgraded to 6MB.., well, I was busy and didn't do anything to enhance the pages. Again, it increased again to 11MB.
Good news though, Geocities has increased its Homesteaders space capacity to 15MB now -- and that encourages me to put some efforts to open up more stories and graphics which I could not earlier (only available for my organisation's intranet users).

Happy surfing... and should you have any comment, do not hesitate to drop a line or two in the guest book.

You may now start your journey... to where I have been before.

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