Ok, so it's not really updated...but you can find me on irc.dejatoons.net in channel #80s-cartoons and a zillion others. http://www.80s-cartoons.net and http://www.dejatoons.net. If you need an irc script, download it from http://sysreset.dejatoons.net or www.sysreset.net.
Wohoo! Last day of finals and college :) Graduate on Friday...cruise in a week and a half...get to count some horseshoe crabs hehe... Anyways, like a year after I finished my internship - I am finally deciding to put up the pictures from the summer. Wetlands Institute Summer Internship 2000
Oh, I also added some pictures to my sleeping page...........ZZZzzzz
Cruise Shore Excursions for May 2001 Cruise
My countdown page with various counters showing how many days till various trips or until graduation.
Web page with lots of countdowns
By now you may be wondering what a bowbiter is...if so just
go here to find out.
Need I say more? See some of my friend's pages and other fun links
?1997 bowbiterNJ@aol.com