Helen She's Enchanted Wonderland

Welcome \ (^o^) / to my enchanted wonderland. I am the enchantress; the one who created this page with MAGIC! ^o^ My name is Helen, and it's my first time making a homepage, so it's nothing fancy. Besides including information about myself, I have also included some of my art work as I have no idea what else to be put in my wonderland. If you want to know more about me, you may contact me via ICQ or e-mail. My ICQ number is 3538789.

Ready or NOT? Here we go! ^o^(do remember to buckle your seatbelt.)

My Profile (I) My Profile (II) Photo Gallery My Art Work My favourite opera Epilogue A Birthday Card for my 16th Birthday A Birthday Card for my 17th Birthday

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Vincent Yeung
Alan Yu

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