McConaughey, Morissette, & Reeves Photos: © 1996 Archive Photos
Today's Scoop
Who'll take Keanu Reeves' seat on Speed 2?
Scoop Interview
Folk singer Bill Morrissey recently discovered something unexpected within himself--a novelist
The Box Office
Mission: Impossible staggers, but stays on top
The Wire
It's a boy for Pam and Tommy; it's a lawsuit for Twister
Joe Queenan is taking no more requests! He's chosen to write about one of his favorite topics--sex
Pick 'Em
Dragonheart's a winner and a loser
Find out why actor Charles Grodin thinks he peaked in high school and why he's working to change his image
Summer Book Spectacular
John Grisham's runaway best-seller Runaway Jury and nine more books for the season
Now the old guard, Metallica returns. Plus, a review of Alanis's tour-opening show and more!
Also Inside: Movies, TV, and Theatre
The Water Cooler
Skinny-model brouhaha
This Day in History
Happy birthday to the first drive-in movie theatre!
Star Bios
New! Pamela Anderson Lee
Picture This
Don't you step on his white buck shoes
Classic Column
Sheilah Graham reports from forties Hollywood
The complete list of Tony winners is here!
Celebrity Lounge
Read transcripts of our chats with Clint Eastwood, Sting, Arthur Miller, and others!
Ask Mr. Showbiz
Did Jane Fonda ever apologize for going to North Vietnam during the war?
Tabloid Headlines
"YOU LOST THAT LOVING CEILING" and many more from around the world
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What's the story behind "vamp"?
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