MIKnKIM's Photo Album

Volume #1

[MIKnKIM at Bird Rock]
Welcome to our homepage! We hope you enjoy browsing through our photo album. It's our way of keeping friends and family updated on our life events and showing you some of the photographs that we have of all of you.

Just scroll down and click on a page in our photo album. **Click directly on a picture to view a larger version of it.** (This only works with pictures that have colored borders.)

Enjoy your visit...We love hearing from you, so...


You are visitor number since 10/31/97.

Last updated on 4/7/00.

Here are the pages in our photo album:

Volume #2

Our other photo album has vacation pictures. You can check it out at: www.geocities.com/miknkim2

(Volume #2 last updated on 11/19/99)


Kimberly graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin. She hopes to obtain a residency in dermatology.

You can find out about her medical school by clicking on www.mcw.edu

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Michael works for Marshall and Ilsley Bank. He also completed his MBA.

If you are interested in his company, the address is www.micorp.com

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You can reach us at:



We know several people who also have web pages. You may know them, too...so check out their sites!

Michael's cousins, Henry and Sue Wong are at http://www.goodnet.com/~ej81339 ......Thanks for helping us set up our web page!

If you are having back pain or are interested in Kim's dad's back surgery, check out Dr. Anthony T. Yeung at http://www.amdaz.com NEW! The Yeung Endoscopic Spine Scope (YESS) has been FDA approved!

Kim's cousin Alicia Lee has a web page at http://members.aol.com/PoohBeeADL/alicia.html

Our friends, Darren and Yen Ong have pictures of their baby boy, Joshua Michael, at http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/7710/index.htm

Mark and Jennifer Inlow have some pictures from their Graduate IVCF group at Texas A&M http://stat.tamu.edu/~inlow/ivcf.html

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