Welcome to the Helios/Makoto Shrine! Sorry I haven't updated recently, but I'll try to do so soon. . . .have fun looking around!


Hi! It looks like you've stumbled on one of the few shrines devoted to Helios (the Pegasus from SS) and one of the many Sailorjupiter shrines. I am proud that you managed to untangle the web and get here. My name is Angel, and I will be your guide through the shrine. Me; Angel :) This shrine is always changing, so please check back every once in a while so that you can see my changes :)

Hi! I'm Helios, if you're lucky, you'll find me somewhere in the shrine. . . .probably in Mako-chan's kitchen, scarfing down some carrot cake. . .

Hello! I'm Makoto, otherwise known as the beautiful senshi for love and justice, Sailorjupiter! Thanks for coming to Angel's page, she *really* appreciates it. Don't forget to sign the guestbook on the way out, please. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. See ya later!

Going somewhere?


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Helios's Bio

Helios's Pictures

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