t e k k e n * f a n w o r k s * w e b r i n g

I have no clue who did this awesome fanart, do you?

**Updated Dec 2: FINALLY added Sapfarah's cute Jin Logo**

When I first started playing Tekken 3, I wanted to find some good Tekken websites. I did several searches, but turned up nothing but your usual information sites. I had no interest in that- I wanted fanart, fanfics, midis, etc. Despite Tekken's popularity, it's *still* hard to find Tekken fanworks. That's why we've decided to create this webring.

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Site maintained by washu@gurlmail.com (Yfandes). Ring maintained by akanet16@aol.com (Ashleia). Please direct questions concerning the ring to Yfandes.
Webring/Site created Sept. 24, 1998.

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