Michelle's Armitage III Page

They made her pretty, they made her smart and they made her strong. They gave her a sexpot's body and the face of a child. And then they did the cruelest thing of all...they gave her a heart. But if anyone finds out about her secret, they'll want her dead. Two men already know: one's her partner, and the other's a killer . . .

Note: This Page was designed for 800x600 resolution and the font "Morpheus" and to my knowledge, looks best with IE 4 or higher. I have no clue how it looks without some of these things.
If you dont have any of these on your computer and it looks TERRIBLE...sorry!

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- Took off the Java popups after realizing how incredibly annoying they can be. (Note: in the beginning i did that to make it "cool" guess i was wrong) ^_^
-Changed the font on the front page to Morpheus and am working on fixing it on the rest of the site. Hopefully I used a more available font this time.
-Added a LOT to the characters page
-Changed the colors around a bit
-Added an Updates section and the "Last Updated" thing.
-Fixed some minor glitches

Last Updated: 1:14AM Wednesday May 19, 1999, Pacific time

...................... This Armitage III Ring site
is owned by Michelle

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