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Well I'm still working on my page, and I'm sure that I will be working on it for along time. But don't worry. With every day Planet Jurai is getting better. You'll see.

My Pages:
Click here to see all of the great webrings Planet Jurai is proud to be a part of.
Now if you couldn't already tell the music that is playing is the Tenchi TV Theme. While I was visiting this great site by Li'l Washu I found it playing. I would like to thank L'il Washu for allowing me to play it at my site too.
Now you probably don't know this, but I Ayeka Juria, am a HUGEhoroscope fan. While I was visting this site I came across this add offering to put a FREE horoscope thing on my page. Now how could I possibly not do this??!! It was to good to be true, so now if you are a fan of astrology like I am just click on the link below that has your, or a friends sign listed.
It's just for fun, but it's always nice to have a peek into your future.
After your done looking around my site be sure to check out a few of these other great sites!!
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