A1's Anime Haven



Hi and welcome to my little home page...I suppose you have been to my other page, A1's Anime House, but I have tired with that one and the lack of support from geocities, so I simply signed up for a new page. I hope that my guest book actually works this time. That would be a lovley suprise, since the three I had before didn't, but oh well. I better stop complaining as I do not want to scare you away. Please sign my guestbook and if it isn't working will you email me and tell me so. BYE! ~Aresis~

What I decided to put on this page: an SD gallery, an original art gallery, a guest art gallery, a guest book, links. If you want me to provide a link to your page email me with your name, URL, web page title, and a brief description. I will also be happy to put up your art. All you have to do is email the picture to me along with a title, your name, a date when drawn, mediums used, and a description. Well I have things to do, so I'll leave you here alone to explore. Make yourself comfortable.


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My Original Art Gallery

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