Wow! We finally got in! We are SO sorry for the downtime but we changed around who's in charge and it took us a LONG time to contact the former people for the PW and handle to edit the page. Busy times and school work has delayed progress with this site. As of now, we don't have anyone who is able to edit the site on a full-time basis. I hope that those who have visited this site have enjoyed it. We are no longer continuing to update until we find new management. If interested, e-mail Rosolia@aol.com

Sections: (Image Map)

Message Board:
•Wanna join the court? If so, e-mail the Page Designer with a description of what you would like to do.
•Got a fanfict? Send it our Fanfict Specialist! We need all we can get!
•We have started another contest. The person who sends us the BEST fanart will have his/her artwork posted on the MAIN PAGE along with there name! A winner for every month, so send ALL ENTRIES to SJM664893@aol.com


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Vote for the moon dynasty at:
S. M. F. W. Best website contest
Lita SailorJ's Best Sailormoon sites



You are the person to enter the dynasty. Welcome to this site by fans for fans!
The song playing is "Sing Sing Sing" It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing! Can be started and stopped at bottom

THIS SITE IS OWNED BY THE PAGE DESIGNER AND MULTIMEDIA GATHERER © 1998 Sailor Moon is TM and © 1992 - 1998 Naoko Takeuchi / Kodansha / Toei Animation / Bandai. English Language Adaptation © 1997 - 1998 DIC Productions, L.P., a Division of The Walt Disney Corporation. All rights reserved. No claim of ownership, expressed or implied, is made in the use of these trademarked names, characters, & likenesses.