<BGSOUND SRC="/setsunasky/userfiles:/user/butterfly.mid">
WARNING: You are now entering the realm of Dom. Be warned that reading any further may result in total bordom and maybe even insanity...Or maybe not (I'd like to hope that my personal life isn't that bad). Anyway, you have been warned...
So, you're still here?...Even after the warning?...Wow...alright...I'll try not to bore you too much
Well, okay...where shall we start...My name is Theresa, but I've aquired many other names along the way (Reesie, T-Byrd, Tsunami, Pseudo Japanese Nationalist, Dominatrix, etc. etc. etc...the list just goes on and on...it's kinda strange...). I'm just another casual goth/DDRing/Para Para-ing/D&D and MTG playing/Ren-Faireing/Rocky Horror-ing/bondage freak. (Yep...try to find another one of those out there).
I am an alumnus of Narbonne High School (Home of the Gauchos...Yay?...), and I'm currently attending UCLA (University of Crenshaw Left of Artesia...in other words, El Camino).  I earned my nickname "Pseudo Japanese Nationalist" partly from excelling in the Japanese language classes offered at my high school and also for my strange fascination with asian cultures.  It's all good though, my strange obsession actually got me somewhere ^_^
I actually got the chance to be an exchange student to Japan during the summer of 1999. Japan Rocks...I wanna go back...but I also have several other countries on my list of places to go...I'm planning on traveling the world.
I currently reside in a part of Southern California that mostly no one has heard of ("Harbor City"...And No, we don't have a freakin' harbor, okay?). Southern California is a great place to be. All the people, all the culture, all the gang related violence right at your doorstep! What more could you want? ^_^ But, seriously, I love it out here, hardly ever a dull minute...
As I said before, I have two jobs, one for money, and one for fun.  The one for money used to be a cashier in the cosmetics section of Sears, but they upgraded me to selling electronics (Which I know a lot more about). I like working for Sears...it gets crazy at times, but it's interesting and it gets me out of the house.  My other job I love more than anything. I am part of the "World Famous Midnight Insanity", which is a Rocky Horror cast that performs in Long Beach. I do spotlights and tech-work (and no, I don't get paid). One of these days I'm going to be understudy for someone, but I haven't decided exactly what I want to do yet. MI is like a family. I love you all!
On my days off I pratically live at the arcades. I love interactive Japanese games such as Para Para Paradise, Dance Dance Revolution, and Dance Maniax. Other things that I do for fun is hanging out with my buddies at Rocky Horror, going to Ren-faires, and going to clubs for dancing...or dancing wherever I can...
I just love dancing...
I like all kinds of music, but I tend to lean more towards stuff with a dance beat. My favorite bands are KMFDM, Mindless Self Indulgence, and Depeche Mode. My favorite movie of all time is, of course, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Some other runners up on my list of movies is The Crow (The original), Brain Candy (A great Kids in the Hall movie), UHF, and Freaked.
Well, You've probably heard more than you ever wanted to know about me...so why don't you visit one of the links:
My Links My DDR Crew
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