P r o f i l e
A n i m e
G u n d a m
T h e  M i n d
A r c h i v e
O l d  N e w s
H o m e

Top 10 Anime

1. Rurouni Kenshin OVA
2. Vision of Escaflowne
3. Hunter X Hunter
4. Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
5. Naruto
6. Bleach
7. Great Teacher Onizuka
8. Gundam 08th MS Team
9. Neon Genesis Evangelion
10. Full Metal Panic!

The  Seto  Compendium

Terminal Sarcasm: It's all in the Mind.

“Dereking : v. falling down a miniscule hole repeatedly, without fail, as demonstrated by Derek several times in Smash Bros Melee; n. the act of Dereking ."

01.08.2005 16:37 EST: Second Year ComSci--PASSED!!
Well, I'm back, after a LONG absence (roughly, what, eight months??) And I'm STILL getting hits? Wow. Anyway, time for updates.....

Uni. That was a ROUGH term (2B was supposed to be the "kill" term, apparently). I desperately need the next couple of weeks to regain my sanity (and re-establish my sleep cycle, Eastern Standard Time. And to answer my friends' inevitable comments, yes, I DO sleep, just not as much as your average 2B CS student. Well, I passed, and that'll have to do for now. Next term: four courses, sanity, and sleep (and OS and Algorithms *shudder*). For comparison, here are some figures:

Avg hours of sleep per day : 4.5
Avg hours of nap per day : 2 (if I'm lucky, and nothing has gone to hell recently)
Hearing "Dude, you're crazy." from friends : 5
Hearing "Dude, how are you still alive? " from friends : 3
Leaving friends speechless : 2

Sleepless nights : 4
Number of times "crashed"* : 0
Record : 2 finals (each worth 50% of my final mark) in 2 days, and 4.5 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours

*crashed : a unofficial term where the body literally collapses from lack of sleep

Various weaponry. I got my bow, and have been firing a couple arrows in the backyard. Damn that's good stress relief. Nothing quite like firing a bolt of metal across the yard into a board with a satisfying *thunk* Also trying to raise proficiency with my throwing knives, but have yet to decently throw the BIG one, which would make a rather big hole in anything.

Games. It's what I call the Renaissance of the Games. I've been playing some old-ass games (but not what most of our generation would call "classic" games) Warcraft III is back, after playing a couple LAN games of those "you and your buddies defend against near-endless legions of hell-spawned demons" games. I've been playing Diablo II with my bro across our
wireless network, trying to see how fast we can burn through all three difficulties (beat normal, Nightmare is gonna be ROUGH). I've also got ePSXe goin, so I'm playing old-skool Einhander (a "hidden gem" of Squaresoft, their one and only shooter, and its friggin great) on my laptop. Next term: Metal Gear Solid, and if I'm insane enough, Final Fantasy VI (PSX version).

TV. Found out that Dilbert is on at 3:00am. Score. A good time for a break when working on crazy-ass assignments. Finally had the patience to watch a full episode of Family Guy. Wow. I've been missing out.

Ray's back in TO, so we're gonna find a bunch of ways to waste time come post-Christmas...

Dakkar last seen : sleeping...

09.16.04 22:02 EST: Damn this term is boring. Why do I feel like something's gonna blow up in my face??

     Well, this study term has started, and damn, it's been a boring term.
     Busted my thumb while sparring. Guess no fighting for a while. Also no gundam building, since my thumb is a rather...useful tool, and it's been a bit out of shape ie busted
     Frosh week was decent. Too bad I didn't have 5 minutes with the frosh before some FOC dragged me off somewhere to help set up something. I'll do it again, in...2 years??
     Used tai chi on a frosh. How cool is that??
     Getting problems with my laptop. IBM called on it, awaiting answer.
     In other news, been playing Warcraft III again, since there doesn't appear to be much else to do during first week of classes. Damn, I'm rusty.
     CN Anime sucked. Overpriced vendors (which is surprising, 'cause AnimeNorth was cheap), and SwordStaff got shut down by police. Guess no shuriken this year either.

Dakkar last seen: ...unsuccessfully trying to hold back a Normal enemy assault against my Night Elves base

08.19.04 00:17 EST : Work term ending, Hell comin up...
     R51 package won out (R40 bundle was discontinued), and I got it with a huge bundle of extras that would have cost probably another $700 at least. I'm pretty much ready for school now (yeah, right!). Set me back a nice $2100 (with taxes), so no airsoft, anytime soon.
     I'm a Frosh Leader, which means I get to guide gullible young frosh around campus, tell them bogus stories, and they'll listen to every word I say. Hm. Life can't be all bad....
     Yes, I've actually updated. Wow.
     Got an RX-178 Gundam Mk II. Nice, but suddenly I don't really feel like working on it, with my new laptop and all.
     Foosball at work, so now we have things to do on free time.
     Brother cursing my laptop's lack of a mouse. Hilarious.
     Employment ending, pay ending, Blackberry going, school starting soon. Life is beginning to suck again.
     No games at the moment, making my life extremely bored, except for....
     Lord of the Rings Return of the King PS2 game: THIS GAME IS FUBAR HARD! They don't tell you what you have to do in certain missions, so you have no idea how to beat it, and all the meanwhile you're facing impossible odds (which I personally have no problem with), but failing inexplicably, that's just stupid. Meanwhile, Gandalf the White is slaughtering legions of elite Uruk-hai orcs with his great white walking stick. That's fubar in and of itself right there.
     Archery! Aaron got a 60lb bow (that is, a bow that takes 60lb of force to draw), making myself the only one who is capable of firing it (Kelv can draw it, but doesn't know how to shoot). Of course, it pierced two layers of cardboard, a bag of newspaper, and went right into the wood back. Damn. The second arrow missed completely, flying with 60lb of force (with god knows how many fps) into the brick wall beyond. Whoops. I'll have to get him another, not that he has another bow right now. Oh yeah, like I said, Aaron's not strong enough to draw it yet. I'm looking to getting my own bow, 30-50lb draw weight. That should be good enough. Now I have to wait a couple of weeks for Le Baron to receive delivery. Dang.
     That should be all for now. Updates will four months, I guess. Probably less, since I have a penchant for doing stupid things, like updating with a midterm the next day.

Dakkar last seen: Trying unsuccessfully to hold a bow with a nocked arrow steady with 60lb of force holding the bowstring back.....

06.19.04 12:40 EST : Knockin' heads and crackin' necks....
Far Cry is finished (What progress!), and Splinter Cell is next. Picking up where I left off, I've found out that I still am a sneaky bastard. *evil grin*
    Courses enrolled for next term. Nobody likes it, but it has to be done. Bah.
    R40 package dropped since IBM released their newest laptop, the R51. A little pricier, but hey, we're talking about hundreds here, so what's $50? Of course, seriously considering the refurbished T41....
    Also trying to integrate this new design into the site.... 

Dakkar last seen: sneaking up behind an unsuspecting guard and delivering an elbow upside the head.

06.11.04 00:07 EST : "At least these things stay dead..."
     Enrolling into next term's courses. =(. Now I'm utterly confused as to whether take courses in Science and whatnot to fulfill my degree requirements, or to simply...get an economics minor (hey, I actually like economics!). Now, which would eat up more time...?
     Body still function on 5+1 hours of sleep. So far, so good...
     ASUS M5N (and consequently all 12.1" laptops) dropped on being a bit too small for normal use. IBM Thinkpad R40 package wins by default, but a refurbished T41 now enters the fray. Could get ugly...
      Far Cry -- Facing down trigens -- big, ugly, friggin' hard to kill muthertruckers. Possibly the worst in-game enemies to date (and not being a boss-type enemy at that). Let's review:
     "Small" type -- for a puny thing, it can kill you in two blows. The first gets rid of ALL your armor, the second takes ALL your health. Takes a ridiculous beating before finally going down.
     "Soldier" type -- gun-packin' beasties, and can jump like hell. Resembles soldier-type Flood of Halo so much, that it's almost a reflex to unload a shotgun round into their limbs to make sure these stay down, hence the quote.
     "Cloaked" type -- Inherently cloaked Soldier-types, but take less of a beating, and 34% uglier (all statistics are 27% accurate =) ). They give off MUCH less of a light distortion (ie less "wavy-air effect" of a cloaked unit (ie Cloak-Elite of Halo).
bastard-still- ain't-dying" (aka "Bigass") type -- Top 5 reasons why we hate these things: (5) friggin huge. That's a bad thing. (2) Damn fast for a tank of a freak. Not good. (3) Rocket-launcher arm, firing a rocket every 2 or so seconds. That's bad, in case you haven't figured that out yet.  (2) Takes friggin forever to kill. It takes at least 5 rockets (all direct-hits) to bring this mother down. God only knows how many clips of assault-rifle rounds it takes....and finally, (1) doesn't drop any ammo, none watsoever. Now that's just plain WRONG. Congrats, you've just wasted....any chance of survival of finishing the level. 

Dakkar last seen: spraying two clips' worth of 5.56mm from his OICW into a rocket-packin', 7'4" trigen, who's still taunting me.

05.27.04 00:22 EST : Still negotiating with extreme prejudice....
     I survived my study term, average actually went up (barely). Considering that it's Waterloo, it says something. I'm alive, and it'll have to do. 
     Pay raise at Research in Motion. Integrated phone and email into my BlackBerry 6210. Sweet. And practically unlimited airtime. Sweeter. Things are lookin' up....and I played with the next-gen BlackBerry prototype. How cool is that??? Manager currently on one-week training, leaving me the IT one-man army for a company R&D branch! Donotscrewupdonotscrewupdonotscrewup.... 
     Body still functioning on 5+1 hours of sleep. I'll just make it up over the weekend....
     Seriously thinking of a laptop. Narrowed it down to an Asus S7NE and IBM R40 package. The shooting war begins.
     Games: FarCry: sweet, nVidia-based game. Think bustin' out Counter-Strike in the Bahamas, with Blackhawks (that's Sikorskiy MH-60 for you folks) shooting at you. Then it goes Half-Life on you. Don't play at night. Throw rocks, make sound, lure bad guys away from you, headshots, run like mad to now-abandoned chaingun, mow down the rest, repeat. Damn I love this game.
     Been watchin' more anime, now that I got the time. Now more-or-less up to date on Naruto. Still waiting on that last episode of Fumoffu I never saw...Got FMP! manga No. 3 (skipped No. 2 since it's all action-y). Got free manga samplers, and realized that Kenshin is a hella lot more funnier than the anime, and that Hikaru no Go is practically Yu Gi Oh! (fact: the Chinese, or Japanese Kanji, mean "Game King") in disguise: Spirit embeds itself in ancient artifact, possesses little boy, kicks some go ass. Guess a tagline of "Let's play chess!" wouldn't catch on with tweenagers.
     600+ spyware on Alvin's computer! The most I've ever seen, but Kelv says the record he's seen is almost twice as much (at least 1000). Nice try, Alv. Maybe next year...? At least it's clean now. Well, as clean as a 2+ year always-online unprotected computer can be...Thanks again go to CWShredder and HijackThis.
     Gotta find an archery or pistol-shooting place. I need another hobby. Anime doesn't quite fill that void...yet.

Dakkar last seen: lining up a headshot on an unsuspecting enemy patrol....

03.17.04 22:45 EST : No rest for the bloody wicked....
     I have no idea why I'm doing this, since I have a midterm tomorrow, and two assignments due Friday. With that said, onward!
     ComSci is still hell on sleep, but then I've trained my body on four and a half hours of sleep, with a one hour nap. Hey, the body just adapts. The flood of assignments aren't doing much to help, either. Still can't understand why I see Melissa online at 4:30 more and more recently...A buddy of mine at U of T industrial engineering appears to be matching my sleep (or rather, lack thereof) times. Frightening. GO TO SLEEP, ALL OF YOU!
     Found out that RIM competitive pay was about $15 per hour. Much anger, but hey, I get to play with a Blackberry....still trying to find out if that was worth it or not. Either way, this upcoming work term will be interesting....
    Athena Sword finally released, and much noise. Aiya.
    Airsoft: My mom's having second thoughts about having guns in the house. Since she objected to Kelv getting the SOCOM springer, I very much doubt she'd approve of a MP5a4 submachine gun. 
    FINALLY GOT RID OF THAT SPYWARE CRAP! That crap just doesn't die! Well, a healthy hit of HijackThis! and CWShredder killed it...good riddance, and don't let the door smack you on the way out....
    Seriously, if I ever figure out hacking (and I probably will), I intend to develop the Internet equivalent of a friggin CRUISE MISSILE and blast the companies that make this shit. Hey, it's Waterloo, and between me (future networking specialist) and my buddies (programmer elite) we should come up with something. 
    Naruto live and kicking...everyone's asses. Damn that's a good series. Too bad I don't have the time to watch it. Although it kinda started off generic, it rocks. Well, I suppose it's not too much of a shame....starting an anime during a UW study term is the equivalent of suicide.

Dakkar last seen: Programming like hell into the early hours of the next morning 

Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month:
I wish that we can invert programs. Say we wanted to build a plane that would never crash. We could build a program that would crash the plane, then invert it so that it will never crash. Wouldn’t that be great??
- Chris Kaplan, CS246 prof


01.08.05 16:40 EST
Finally had the time to update this site, after an absence of a REAL long time (since frosh week, maybe longer). Anyway, starting this term at Scotiabank, network security dept. This term oughta be fun.

Updates: Anime, Gundam, Mind

08.19.04 00:33 EST
Normal updates, nothing spectacular. Hey, I'm bored this term.

Updates: Anime, The Mind, Old News

06.11.04 23:49 EST
Minor cosmetic changes to the site, just to give it somewhat of a visual kick. I did it mainly just to make the page stand out a bit more.

05.27.04 00:00 EST
Finally, an update! Got some time now, but since I get home fairly late, I have to make the best of my time (yes, this qualifies). I dropped the Rant, since I'm losing my cynical viciousness. Also, read the disclaimer in Profile. It's worth reading.
Updates: Anime, Gundam, Mind

03.17.04 22:49 EST
Limited, if very rare, update, since I'm in the middle of my study term. Expect slow updates of the rest of my site as time progresses. Of course, this study term might kill me, so no guarantees. Oh yes, if I die, PS2 goes to Kelvin. Nice try, Derek. Btw, some interesting stuff in The Mind recently. Might be worth a look-see. I intend to (hopefully) throw up another Rant.

11.26.03 23:18 EST
Major revamp of the black-styled site to a refreshing stylish white. Background to follow since I need to modify the cool GP03D wallpaper, but right now it's conflicting with the page (ie you can't read my stuff). I've added "Old News" section since my main page is getting pretty damn big, so that's to minimize that. The usual update to everything else...or pretty much everything else.

10.27.03 08:57 EST
Updates will likely be scarce, since I'm likely wasting my time playing SkyGunner or Raven Shield, now that I've got my PC configured correctly. Minor update to The Mind, decent update to Anime, somewhat bigger update to Archive, and a miniscule update to Gundam. And, as before, this website does not exist if you ask me. Main reason for small updates is simple: I haven't got any significant change in my sarcastic bastard-ness. This elegantly divides the masses between those who hate me, and those who love me; black and white. Clever, no?

09.18.03 22:48 EST
Behold, for I update! Well, this update will include minor changes to anime and a slightly updated anime and gundam, while hopefully a massive change to The Mind. Officially, I am no good at HTML and webpage design ( since teachers are going to be coming to me asking to update their sites). Unofficially, however, there's this. If asked, this page DOES NOT EXIST. And at that point, The Seto Compendium, Dakkar, RiCeKiNg! or whatever name I will be using for the month will disavow any knowledge of this site and of my skills. That is all.

08.13.03 23:05 EST
Well lookee here! An update! Alright...The Mind is seriously revamped to take advantage of my numerous rants and raves, rather than my rather silly and stupid one-liners. Trust me, it's better this way, and it'll be more fun. All sections are more or less updated. (more or LESS, keep that in mind). My excuse for the late update? University. School.  Dai Hok.  No, seriously I don't understand why you would be so interested in this site. No, really.  I'm flattered, but also astonished at your continuing perceived interest in this site...

06.05.03 12:59 EST
Yes, yes I know it's been over a month since I last updated. And with good reason: university. Too much work, assignments, and midterms. Hell, you should be lucky that I updated at all! Whew!  Well, midterms are comin' up, so it'll be longer still.

04.25.03 09:17 EST
A lot more updating done, and a good chunk of it. Gundam and The Mind updated. I have also created an Advanced Wars FAQ of my own (love the damn game) and my own compilation of Murphy's Laws of Combat.

04.14.03 11:46 EST
All the pages are fully up (no longer just "technically") Some are updated, others are not. And I'm in the process of updating. 

03.05.03 11:31 EST

Finally all the pages are up (some are still empty) but they are, technically up. Not many pictures and shit, but the simple and rather elegant design and atmosphere should more than make up for it. It will still be a while until Archives are filled since I will need to compile everything for it. Home, Profile, and Gundam pages are fully up, though. Anime, Archives, The Mind are up but more or less empty until further notice.

02.23.03 19:56 EST v2.0
Ah, the glory of HTML and Frontpage. This may finally earn the title of version2.0. Everything's been kicked up a notch, and if you've noticed, looks a lot better, doesn't it? Rejoice, and be glad, and may it see v3.0!!

Lo, and behold, Dakkar returns! Alrite, so this site heavily needed a revamp, and after three years, mainly offtime, here it is! Except for the frames, there's nothing else rite now.