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![]() ![]() ![]() Updates 9-05-2005 Wow, it has been so long since I touched this site. I've got a Xanga site HERE for the world rather than hide in my corner of the internet with this page. I'll be uploading some pics here and there pretty soon. 4-14-04 Not much of an update this time, easy classes means I've been spending too much time on the computer lately... Especially this japanese tokusatsu show called Chou Sei Shin Gransazer 3-28-04 Put up a pic of my two Beta fish. I'm not really into naming fish but my family already named the red one Peanut Butter and the blue one Jelly without my say... I don't see the resemblance. 3-7-04 Alright! Its been a long time but now I've added pictures from school. It is right around midterm and spring break time I hope everyone playing games and blowing off classes like me ; ) j/k 1-17-04 I've added a new page to my site. Its my Quiz page. I got the idea from a friend, so I guess I'm only copying her, oh well.... 1-10-04 I've updated my car page. I finally got my new Konig Heliums and put them on. 12-12-03 I've added a few pics and extra pages. I'm hoping to get some real info on here. 12-11-03 Wow, After 4 long years I'm finally getting around to making a decent web page. My finals at UNT are done with so now I'm just taking it easy. Maybe I'll find a job for winter break but I never want to work while going to school again!!! |