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Cheesy Limburger Pokemon
For all your Pokemon needs
All 3D images here are the property of X1 Commander Productions. Not associated with Nintendo of America Inc. or its subsidiaries.
Pokemon trainers have
visited this page since Wednesday, April 4th, 2001 at 12:36pm
Welcome to the newest guests at Cheesy Limburgers Pokemon Resort. We have a few new Pokemon staying with us. But we still have a long way until we reach our limit of 251. We had some problem with the Charizard and Scyther earlier, so please don't take any pictures at this time until we get this mess cleaned up.
Pokemon Types
Normal | Fire | Water | Grass | Electric | Poison | Ground | Psychic | Bug | Flying |
Jigglypuff | Charizard | Blastoise | Oddish | Pikachu | Koffing | Diglett | Psyduck | Butterfree | Charizard |
Chansey | Poliwag | Exeggcute | Voltorb | Onix | Exeggcute | Scyther | Butterfree | ||
Porygon | Psyduck | Electrode | Dugtrio | Scyther | |||||
Snorlax | Staryu | Magnemite | Doduo | ||||||
Kabuto | Magneton |
Anime conversion stories
Pokemon in 3D
Meet my Pikachu. Be careful though, he's quite
New Vancouver : The Canadian Neon Genesis Evangelion Page.
the Robotech II: The Sentinels 3D Website.
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