Welcome to the Daz index

This is my index, I'll add more frills later. On my site I have Fan-stuff and regular SM stuff. I am in no way affiliated with Sailor Moon or anyone who has rights to it (Kodansha, Toei, DiC, Naoko Takeuchi, Cartoon Network, etc. [did I miss anybody?]). I'm not doing this for profit -- only to see if I can make a really good site eventually. I do my best to link to pages I get stuff from, but I don't always remember to. If I forgot to link it, I will kindly remedy the situation.

Sera Senshi Senshi's Revenge -- My main Sailor Senshi Page, So far I only have Merc, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus (all incomplete).
Daz Dazzle Stats -- this replaces the 1st daz page (still available at daz1.html)
}|{ Butterflies -- My page about my two PSYCHOTIC Dazzle Butterflies Daza & Niki
Fanart My fanart page -- more fanart posted!