Last updated; 18 April 2009


(Square Dance Club, Kashiwa, JAPAN)


会長 President

宮坂悦子 (Etsuko MIYASAKA) 1999

馬渕はるみ (Harumi MABUCHI) 19861999


コーラー Callers

宮坂清孝 (Kiyotaka MIYASAKA)

馬場 章 (Akira BABA)

馬場 幾久枝(Ikue BABA)

宗内  匡志 (Tadashi MUNEUCHI)


Dance Level: A2


例会案内(Regular practice and meeting



Time:   Once a month, Sunday 13:00-16:30

Place:   Refresh Plaza Kashiwa,

Minami-Masuo, Kashiwa, Chiba-prefecture, JAPAN


オークス通信 (Oaks Letter Service)

例会予定等,参照下さい。(Find the schedule of regular practice meeting below.)

April 2009

March           2009                    February 2009            January 2009

December 2008           November 2008           October 2008

September 2008           August 2008            July 2008

June 2008                      May 2008            April 2008

March 2008              February 2008            January 2008



Recommended Sites:

Square Dances:

Japan Square Dance Association

Otori SDC

Tokyo SDC

Tsukuba SDC

Kashiwa Curli Q's


Other Dances:

TDA (Ballroom Dancing)


Other Links

IAESTE Japan  国際インターンシップ参加企業・ホストファミリー募集
