Welcome to the world of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken or Dai no Daiboken" (Fly, Las aventuras de Fly, Dai's Great Adventure). I am your host, Jedd. I've created this website so this wonderful Anime/Manga series gets it's merits it deserves. Now, come join Dai and his friends along this epic saga...
02/24/2004: (Jedd)
- After months of being silent, I finnally decided to at least explain what's going on...sorry about that. Well, as you probably have noticed, the server which had the episodes, mangas and my RPG arent online nomore. Thanks again Archangel Tyrrael for all the trouble you been gaven yourself to provide it in the past. I can't give any promise to when or if the files do come back. If you have any further questions or wants to add me in your msn messenger list if you need any episodes, mp3, mangas or whatever my adress is: jedd_san@hotmail.com.
12/09/2003: (Jedd)
- Good news! The bittorent are now fully active! There will be 10 misc files at a time, mostly new added files. Bittorent is a program that lets you share your file to others while you are downloading it, resulting faster download as more people will download the file. you can get the Bittorent program here.
- My First RPG demo is now officially online !!! I know alot of people has been waiting for it, well get it in the Project_RPG section! Make sure you read the Notice.txt in the zip file!
- I fixed the English Manga 01 Ch. 04 and 05 in Mangas section. And of course more english chapters are to come.
12/07/2003: (Jedd)
- Ok, now all the files are currently back online. But they can still be slow depending on how much people are downloading as well. There will be 10 files available on bittorent as soon as they have been worked it out. Archangel Tyrael is working hard to understand how it works, hehe a big THANKS to him =)
- Episode 3 in Spanish is now available. Also the link of the12th episode in French has been fixed. Get it in the anime section!
12/05/2003: (Jedd)
- Finnally, an update!! Ok, here's what's going on for now! The server is now back up, but the files are still currently down, only the pages are up for the moment. That's because Archangel Tyrrael and I are rebuilding it all up to make the files all bittorent so it can be faster to download. I'll explain the details of bittorent once the fles will be ready, which suppose to be soon, I just wanted you guys to let you know.
- My first demo of the RPG is done, some of you might have downloaded it while it whas temporarely on my download page to test it, but I still need a few adjustment before making it available once more.
- Oh yeah, because I changed my internet service, my old e-mail isnt working anymore, so if you had e-mailed me on jedd@videotron.ca it doesn't work anymore and I can't reply to those e-mail sent, my apologies. My new e-mail address is now jedd_san@hotmail.com feel free to e-mail me for help, questions or whatever. =)
The Unnoficial website of "Dai no Daibouken", formally known as "DragonQuest: Minakator!" is managed with AdobeGolive 5.0 by Webmaster Jedd since it's official opening date on July 4th 2002. |