Sailormoon Fics
Ranma Fics
Eva Fics
Fushigi Yuugi Fics

Satsuki's Anime Fanfic Archive

Welcome to my fanfic archive! This is meant to be a page for fanfics of Sailormoon, CLAMP works, Fushigi Yuugi and others wherein anyone is interested in submitting to me their or other people's fanfics.

I'm not much a fic writer myself, more of a pre-reader and co-writer, so I don't post my works here. I only plan on featuring the works of others! If you really wanna see what I write, then e-mail me at (long isn't it? ;^_^).
If you want to submit a fanfic, click here to directly send me e-mail. I'd prefer the fanfics in text-only can also send the URL to me if you have it on a page, but mostly, I'd just like text.

Okay! You came here for fics, so here they are! Just click on a negative to your left to get to a fanfic section of that anime or use the pull-down menu below. All sections with the exception of Ranma and Evangelion are now up!

Ta da! *evil music plays* I, Noctrolyte have updated Chaos Rising *cheers, people applauding* thank-you... thank-you.

I'm sharing this site with my dearest friend Noctrolyte nowadays.....he's my co-writer of "Chaos Rising". Please email him regarding anything about "Chaos Rising"!

12/04/98:Replaced with the old version of Chapter I (Invisible Stars, X) with the revised version that I just recieved today....I'm also opening up the Other Fics section with a SF fic I got a couple of weeks ago, a new link in the links section (thanks to Ezmerlder!) and adding alot of new midis.....I've been off-line for a while, so I have to catch up!

The backround music is the main theme of X^2

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Satsuki's Anime Fanfiction Archive ©1998 Satsuki. All anime and fanfictions are copyrighted by their respective owners. Best viewed with MSIE 4.0. This site was decorated by Tsukikage ^_^. Web space provided by GeoCities. Get your own free webspace (and an annoying pop-up window!) =P