Age: 24 |
Weight: 165 |
Height: 5'10" |
Hobby: sleeping |
Color: green |
Goal in life: to sleep, eat, live in peace. And maybe get in a little fishing now and then. |
I'm laying here, half asleep, half awake. Being drugged up so much knowing that if I sobered up, I would begin to realize the toll this fever is having on my body. Being on the verge of a massive headache... I called in sick today. I wonder if it was from something I ate from AC. AC was a blast, a friend of mine piloted a small plane for our group of four. We landed at a small airfield within walking distance of the casinos. We even managed to do a fly-by of Caesar's casino. If they had anti-aircraft guns, they would've shot us down. But it was necessary, we had to turn to land... or so I was told. Playing blackjack, $15 min a hand, I called it quits 5 hours later, ahead $65... not too bad (considering I was up ahead several hundred at one point). We ate at the buffet inside the Tropicana. Not much of a choice, but the food and service was great. |
Visiting the world wasn't as bad as I imagined to be. One such experience was when I was in Germany. Going alone wasn't so bad. Driving... was a different story. Renting a car was simple (the person I was renting from understood English). Realizing that my ability to drive a manual transmission sucked, I went with the automatic. I carefully traced out where my hotel was on the map and proceeded to drive. The speed signs didn't worry me too much (I just drove the same speed as the people around me on the autobahn.) At first, I missed my exit without realizing it. Taking note of a nearby sign, I thought I was heading to that area. When I circled back, I realized that sign meant "exit". -_- Anyway, after violating every single driving sign out there, I managed to get to my hotel in one piece. Since I didn't feel like going out driving to find a decent place to eat, I called roomservice. When in Germany, be sure you have someone going with you... it'll make you feel a little better knowing that it's not completely your fault for going the opposite direction on a one way street. Driving may have been a nitemare, but the food was great. Next time, I'll be sure to study up a little before going to a place I've never been before. |
When I first went to HK, I thought "wow". It looked so humid. -_- As the thought, "I'm finally here" went through my head, I stretched off the 12+ hour flight. I went to grab a printout of an email sent to be by a friend. I realized... doh, I left it at home. Wait... I couldn't have left it at home... because I never printed it! What an idiot I was. After spending a little while hoping that my friend would've greeted me at the airport, I tried to remember everything. I went to an information area and asked where my hotel was. He stared at me with this blank stare. Five minutes, I understood why... we couldn't find it on any of the maps! Circling the hotel with the closest name, I got a taxi to drop me off. Going to the check in counter, I realized my worst fear, it wasn't my hotel at all. I got out and grabbed the next taxi. I asked the driver the name of my hotel. Again, he looked at me with this blank stare. In the end, we stared at his map for five minutes, until I found it (as if he was going to find it). He was eager to point out that I was at the wrong hotel. He was even more anxious to point out to me that we were on the wrong island. And here I thought, HK consisted of just a small island. Anyway, 30 minutes later I was at the hotel. I was bushed, I decided to just sleep everything off, and hope to grab a quick breakfast the next day. I didn't expect what I'd find the next day... nothing was open! It was 8 am, and not a single coffee house was open! I could've gone to a 7-eleven, but I decided against it. I was to meet with a friend soon. I decided to have my guide lead me to all the good eats. =) |
When I first met up with her, I was reading the newspaper in hand: Something something... SARS. I was thinking, "more and more people are falling victim". If I die, it wouldn't have been such a bad life. Just then, "Hi, you must be psx." (A name given to me by a friend...) Just as soon as the introduction took place, a blur ran outside. I was thinking... what just happened...? So I followed the blur. |