Rei's Nuthouse

YAY! We've added Digimon!

Hi, I'm Rei (not copying Sailor Mars, it's a version of my real name).
I made this page because I adore anime (Sailor Moon, Ranma, Marmalade Boy, Pokemon, etc.). I love Sailor Moon (did I say that already?:D), dolls, sci-fi and Dreams Come True (a Japanese band).

This is my own little way of expressing my obsession, and is a rather muddled little place. Apologies if it takes a long time to load, and there aren't any wav files or movies because I have a Mac and that equipment is generally built for Windows. By the way, does anybody know where I can get Marmalade Boy videos in English? either over the web or in Denver. You can email the below address. For all comments, concerns, and death threats,

Please come back soon and visit me.

You are visitorsince god knows when.

Here are some links to great places on the 'Net.

Free Sailor Moon Graphics Society

This is where I got most of the the way cool Sailor Moon Graphics for my page. For FREE!

SOS Campaign Headquarters
Princess Michiru's Starlight Palace

Well,you're at the bottom of the page. Bye!

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