Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Let’s Gather Together

For where two or three come together in My name, there I am with them.               

                           -Matthew 18:20


Looking for a Christian community in Tokyo?  Here’s some information I’d like to share with you… 


Join us for English Worship Service at

New Hope International Fellowship Tokyo

It’s a branch of New Hope International Fellowship Oahu, of Honolulu Hawaii.  Services are in English and Japanese.

Besides the Sunday Worship Service, we have Bible Studies and Fellowships during the weekdays.  Check out the website!


For my Chinese friends out there, we have Chinese Worship at

Tokyo International Church in Ebisu

Services are in Mandarin and Japanese, with translations in English.  Likewise, we have fellowships on Sunday afternoons and Bible studies on Saturday evenings.  Come join us!


And for all you working people in Tokyo, you may also want to join our fellowship conducted by a branch of Campus Crusade for Christ at Ambassadors.  This is a fellowship conducted in Japanese.  Check it out!

Let me tell you more!

Drop me a mail


Fully Realize Everything Is Naturally Joyful

freinj ::

Fully Realize Everything Is Naturally Joyful

Last update:  13 May 2005