
Yikes! I've been away for forever! Well, I'm going to be having a lot of free time come mid-August, so I should be off of my lazy ass and working on this site again. Poor baby's been neglected!!! ;.;! Anywho...in the mean time, feel free to visit my domain at seraph13.net. For those of you who don't know, it's a gallery of all of my artwork ^^v! Anywho...look forward to the new improvements!!!
Hello, and welcome to The Sailor Senshi Photo Album!!! My name is Roxy, and I will be your tour-guide in a magical journey through the wonderful art-work that was done and inspired by Takeuchi Naoko!

***soon to come!!!***

You can visit the Senshi of your choice by clicking on their name on the list to the left!

Thank you for visiting and be sure to check back often!!! ^.~

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~* Galleries *~
*Tsukino Usagi* {Serena}
~Mizuno Ami~ {Amy}
^Hino Rei^ {Rei}
>Kino Makoto< {Lita}
@Ai Minako@ {Mina}
o-Miaoh Setsuna-o {Sailor Pluto}
\-Ten'oh Haruka-/ {Sailor Uranus}
~-Kaioh Michiru-~ {Sailor Neptune}
*-Tomoe Hotaru-* {Sailor Saturn}
oo*Tuxedo Kamen/Mamoru*oo {Tuxedo Mask/Darien}
~*~Sailor Starlights~*~
x*x Villains x*x
o*o X-tra's o*o
Click here to visit Grep SailorMoon *!!!

© 2000 Roxy Katz ^.~

This The SailorSenshi Image Ring site owned by Roxy (The Ringmonster!! >:} ).
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