Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Celestial
Free-form anime roleplay
Greetings, Moonies! I see you've found your way to the central command of the newest Sailor Moon roleplay on the 'net! Sailor Moon Celestial is different from most of the Sailor Moon roleplay out there, in that it does not take place in the normal Sailor Moon universe, and the system by which the roleplay is officiated is much different. Read on for the details!
The Plot
The Sailor Moon C saga takes place after Episode 88, after the defeat of Rubeus. The Sailor Senshi have been sucked into a bizarre time warp which has landed them in another dimension, one which resembles a small American town in the late 1980's/early 1990's. The Sailor Senshi encounter a group of like-minded warriors known as the Celestial Senshi, who tell them of a new and extremely powerful alliance of evildoers, known as the Obsidian Army. What happens from here on in will be decided by our players and posted into works of fanfiction on this page!
The Rules
- When referring to a character that already exists, please use Japanese names and attacks, if possible.
- Senshi and Obsidian Army characters have 20 HP as themselves, but only 10 HP when in human guises!
- Whatever the GM's say, goes! It can be brought up to the Tribunal and contested, but their word is final and for something to be brought to them, it had better be important!
- The Tribunal shall consist of the Founder, and 2 Aides, nominated by the members of the game. Aides should be nominated on the basis of high roleplaying skills, ability to make decisions, and creativity.
- The Tribunal will meet once a week, unless an issue needs to be addressed before the next weekly meeting. Aside from roleplay sessions, all members will be requested to attend a bi-weekly meeting to discuss the direction the plot is taking, vote on issues, etc. All dates will be posted in the Calendar on our Yahoo! Club.
- At the moment, there is only one GM, CountessBloodstone. More GM's will be added as the need arises, and they will also be nominated by the membership.
- Attack outcomes will be decided by the roll of 2 20-sided dice. Results for each die is as follows:
- A 20 is 2 points of damage to your opponent.
- A 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19 is 1 point of damage to the opponent.
- Rolling a 3 through 14 is no damage to either party.
- A 2 is 1 point of damage to yourself.
- A 1 is 2 points of damage to yourself.
- Rolling a 1,1 is a major backfire. Your character loses all but 1 HP.
- Any character who does not wish to be killed in that particular battle must pull out when their HP is at or below 5.
- The attacks and stats of the Sailor Senshi are fixed, as they are in the show. The Obsidian Army and Celestial Senshi are not pre-designed unless someone wishes one to be designed for them, but designs must be approved by CountessBloodstone.
How to Join
Joining our roleplay is easy! Email CountessBloodstone with what character you'd like to be, and the stats on the character, if you choose a Celestial Senshi or Obsidian Army character. MUpon approval of your character CountessBloodstone will invite you into the Yahoo Club if you have not already signed up, to further encourage interaction between the members.
Where We Roleplay:
The Sailor Moon C Saga takes place in #SailorMoon on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) on the DobberNet network. For those of you who don't have IRC clients, go to mIRC's homepage and download the mIRC client. Dobbernet isn't on the included list, so add these servers into your list:
Available Characters
Sailor Senshi:
- Sailor Moon
- Sailor Mars
- Sailor Venus
- Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Senshi to be Introduced at a Later Date:
- Sailor Neptune
- Sailor Uranus
- Sailor Pluto
- Sailor Saturn
- Sailor StarMaker
- Sailor StarFighter
- Sailor StarHealer
Celestial Senshi:
- Sailor Cosmos
- Sailor Lunaris
- Sailor Solaris
- Sailor Nova
- Sailor Comet
- Sailor Astra
- Any others that are approved
Obsidian Army:
- Princess Iridia
- Archduke Laudanum, Iridia's incestuous lover
- Any others approved to be played
Hey whoa! Lookie! My counter has some 4 million hits on it! Gotta be a mistake in that cgi script, eh Geocities?? *grin*