ah zhong's humble home...
UPDATED ON 28th November 2002
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Hello....Thanx for dropping by ....this is my first ever homepage and no matter whether you came into this website by:
1) Accident (which is usually the case)
2) Word of mouth (Which is impossible since the only person who will ever recommend this site is me)
3) Due to me shamelessly flooding your mail begging you to come....
4) Or some other reasons that my rusty brain couldn't think of....
No matter the reasons....please feel free to have a look around my homepage no need money one okay....this page is 100% FREE and I don't even charge what are you waiting for....stop reading this crap and look around....
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Any Comments????....please feel free to email me on your views of my homepage okay....both positive and negative feedback are welcomed*....
*Friends who gave positive feedback will be treated to one free meal while those who gave negative feedback will er....em....aiya....get no free meal what are you waiting for....hurry and send back some positive feedback lah....for those who are not terribly smart....feel free to follow the comments found below:
1) Your Homepage is simply wonderful!!!! I am going to recommend it to everyone I know!!!! (Especially to people I don't like)
2) Not only are you (Ah Zhong) a nice and wonderful guy, you are also a genius, man, from now on, you will be my new idol. (Your photo will be permanently stuck on my dart-board)
3) Best Homepage I have ever been to!!!! (because it's the ONLY one I've ever been to)
4) THREE WORDS: Your homepage SUCKS!!!! (This one bad example....don't follow leh)
So why wait HURRY HURRY!!!!
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