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Three girls from Earth, transported to a magical land, to become legendary warriors that they never imagined themselves to be......
Cephironians have visited this site.
This very website is dedicated to one of Japan's finest anime, Magic Knight Rayearth. For those of you who haven't heard of this great cartoon series, it is about three girls from Japan, Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki and Fuu Hououji, who meet each other by fate in Tokyo Tower. They are summoned by Princess Esmerauld, the pillar of the magical land Cephiro, to come to that land to fulfill their destiny of becoming the Legendary Magic Knights and protect it from ruins.

As the legendary knights, each of them has a unique set of magic for them to use, weapons specially made for them and
mashins for them to command. Along the way, they meet many allies, as well as enemies, in their path. To become the magic knights, they not only have to use their fighting skills and magic, but also their will power to overcome the tough foes that lies ahead of them......

If you think this is another one of those RPG-type cartoons where the good guys will overcome the evil because the bad guys want to destroy the world and something like that, go away!!! This anime is not for you!!!
Magic Knight Rayearth is not the typical fantasy anime. This involves forbidden love and self-sacrifice. Wanna know more??? See for yourself!!!
Go to here to meet the characters!!!
To learn more about the plot, come here!!!
Gotta visit here for multimedia stuff!!! WORKING ON IT!
Great links over here!!!
This little website is maintained by Windstorm

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This New Ring of Magic Knight Rayearth site owned by Windstorm.
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Images copyright CLAMP, Kodansha, and their respective creators.
Last updated: October 1, 1999
Created in November 1998.