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Bokutoo Station

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This page is entirely devoted to one of my favourite anime series, Taiho Shichauzo, or to us Westerners,You're Under Arrest. Just out of interest, my other favourite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion and my page on that great series should be up shortly! Keep coming back to check for it's grand opening!. Also, if you also have a page on Taiho, please can you include me on your links page and if you would like me to add your page to my links, please E-mail me! (See Links page). Thanks! Anyway, hope you like it!


1. The series stories.

2. Pictures of Miyuki and Natsumi.

3. The CDs-Lyrics, list of songs etc.

4. Links.

5. Chat with people from all walks of life!(about anything).

6. Please come and visit my other homepages!

7. Rings down below!

8. Video clips. DOWN-due to the FortuneCity servers crashing...will be back up shortly.

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