Welcome. This website was created in order to post my Xenogears fanfiction story. I've planned that it will be an new, stand-alone fanfic with many references to the Xenogears game, however it's a story in it's own. The story is BY NO MEANS finished, I'm almost halfway through. I do plan to finish the story eventually, getting at least 1, preferably 2 chapters done a week. On average a new chapter comes up every 5 days (or so I'd like to say). I'm making a sketchy ouline for the story so I'm not making it up as I go along. For the most part. ^_^
Click here to see a test page layout which I may use to 'revamp' the entire website.
3/18/00: Latest News
Well.... FortuneCity screwed up, so the website is temporarily unavailiable. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you're a 1st time visitor, please come back-- the website usually works!!! ^_^;;;
3/14/00: Not-Quite-But-Almost-Latest News
Added an updated chapters 28 and 29. I'm almost caught up, finally!
Updated the 'about' section of the webpage..
That's about all the news I got. There are still a few bugs that need to be worked out with the version 2.0 chapters, but I'll get around to those AFTER chapter I get through chapter 36.
Click here for info you might wanna know about if you wanna draw for this website.
DISCLAIMER: Xenogears is a registered trademark, yadda yadda yadda, of SquareSoft. I DID NOT THINK OF THE ORIGINAL PLOT, THEY DID. I did, however, think up the 'Guardian Legacy' idea and the actions taking place in it. Any references I make to the original game is to stuff made up by Square Soft. If anyone tries to copy my idea/ideas, I will be forced to kill them. Just kidding. But seriously folks, did I REALLY need to mention all this stuff? Use your brain people.
Sections of the Web Page
Due to technical difficulties, none of the websites are availiable. Sorry. ^_^;;; I am working to get this resolved A.S.A.P.
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