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Last Update: December 23, 1999
Finally, SATs are over. Still got one college app. left, but I have all break to work on it. Ski Bum was truly awesome; special thanx to Jules for a wonderful night. Since I got some free time, I'll be working on those photos. However, I won't put them up 'til after Christmas. So for now, Merry Christmas and Happy New year!


For those of you who were expecting my old website, I've left that behind. That website is but an old remnant of what was and what might never be. Created during my freshman-sophomore-junior year, SVJ Spock-sama's Unearthly Homepage was representative of my feelings and my personality during the last three years. However, now that I'm a senior in high school, it's time that I forget the past and live in the present. I'm a different person now, and though I can't say if I'm pleased with the way I turned out, I'm stuck with what I got. No doubt this will change too, for all things will change. But when that time comes again. . .well, you'll know.

SpideyIn the meantime, you're stuck with One Planet, One Vulcan, the manifestation of my interests, my wants, my opinions, my feelings, and most importantly, me. So maybe you're here now, wondering who I am and what I do. There are many worlds, many universes, and many distinct beings. Here, on this planet, resides me, Spock-sama. For me, a solitary being in an overpopulated world, pure logic is hard to live by. Some humans don't even have any. Moreover, I've discovered life is more than just about logic. It's about having fun, living and learning, and finding something to believe in. At times, many times in fact, loneliness has been one of my sole companions. Some say loneliness is a bad thing. To me though, a little solitude is just a chance to get away from society, to dwelve into my true self, and to just. . .think. These past years, my friends have helped make my life a more tolerable one. Without them, I would be lost, living a cheerless existence in a mind dark and obscure. Where would the logic be in that?

And so what is this website really about? Am I gonna keep rambling on with no purpose? Will I keep boring you with needless info? Does a six-headed, three-nippled, double-assed, crazed hermaphroditic monkey really exist? The answer depends on you. If you're interested, by all means, explore. Use your imagination. If not, then. . .go home.

Explanation of Contents

Strider Hiryu

  • History of Updates
    Basically, this page will catalog all updates made to this homepage.
  • Autobiography of a Vulcan
    This page will document my life thus far. Of course, I'll provide only relevant information and just bits and parts of my life that I consider worth sharing.
  • Props to Special People
    If it wasn't for some of these people, I wouldn't be who I am today. Because of this, I really gotta give props to the people who mean so much to me.
  • Photo Album
    What better place to find pictures? Some of these scans I've recycled from my previous homepage and some are freshly scanned.
  • Senior Class Info
    My little niche for the Senior Class. Here you'll find information about what's gonna go on during the school year as well as certain activities such as Prom and Grad Nite.
  • Anime / Japanimation
    Fortunately, I don't need to make a new page since I've created the homepage for the Sunny Hills Japanimation Club already. If you're interested in Japanese culture and entertainment, I've made this page especially for you.
  • Links to Somewhere
    Of course, I've got online buddies that have their own websites. Unlike my what happened with my old homepage, I'll actually try keeping these links updated.
  • SVJ Spock-sama's Slayers World Slayers
    One of my earlier productions, Slayers is a fantasy based anime that I found extremely amusing.
  • Portal to Humanity's Absolute Terror Field EVA
    Another anime-founded website of mine, Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most controversial and intriguing anime of our time. Even in the United States, large fan groups have already formed over the brilliance of the series.
  • View my Guestbook / Sign my Guestbook GBOOK
    Here's a brand new guestbook, courtesy of Lpage. The old one is still at my old homepage, so I'm starting off fresh. Leave a message if you feel like it, but it's by no means mandatory.

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