Raydeen's Anime Atrium

Site Updated:


As of 98/07/08 Your are visitor #


Welcome to my summer home in the Tokyo Flats. This is where I keep all the stuff that won't fit in my main domain.



Here's what's new:

991029: MSNBC has an article on Princess Mononoke! Read about it here.

991122: Big News Day!!! I've got video files up of the opening, ending, and activation sequences from the classic anime of my namesake, Brave Raideen! All thanks to the persuasion of Mr. Nino Arena (who's fine site can be viewed here). The clips are in Real Media G2 format. You can get the Real Media G2 player here. And here they are:




The largest of them is about 1.5 megs, so they're not too huge. If there is any trouble in d/l'ing the files email and let me know. If you've got a PC, right-click on the link and Pick 'Save Target As'. If you've got a Mac, hold down the mouse button and choose to save the file from the menu that pops up. (Not sure what the command is there)

In case it hasn't already happened, my other site at www.chesco.com/~raydeen, is going down for good. So at somepoint, I'll have all the stuff set up on the Freeservers site. Might take me a while to get organized. Between work, Everquest, Asheron's Call, and now a baby due early next year, I may have precious little time left!

991129: Note: If anyone has had trouble mailing me in the last day or two, try again. I had my now defunct address in the mail link, and it has now been changed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

 Image Galleries:



It's here!!

The first 3 pages are done and online! Click the above picture to go to the manga.

Tacheyon Frontier: Adventures in the New West

an original net manga


Clink here to go to my main site.

Click here to email me.

Click here to visit my new site currently under construction.





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