Opal Mornings,Obsidian Nights

Hello! Alright, NEWS FLASH! I am tired of trying to get ANY type of shrine up, so I am dedicating this page, OFFICIALLY as my own personal Fanart Page. These are probably all going to conatin drawings I have done myself, or have asked other Artists' if I could post them on my page. Feel free to look around! *~Aerith~*
[Anime Web Turnpike]
Please visit the Anime Web Turnpike

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Dynasty Warriors My Zhang He Piccys!

Random Drawings These are pics that friends of mine asked me to draw.

SailorMoon SailorMoon drawings I have done.

Dynasty Warriors is © Koei Co. The fanart pictures conatined within are all of my original drawings. Please do not take them unless you ask me for permission. If I see them on your website, or any online RPG etc, I will mail you asking you to remove them, or to apologise to me, and ask to keep them. Any fanart from any other Artist that I may have posted, the above rules still apply at the Artist's discression. Thank you!