Look for me on Live Journal as 'touma_karamochi'! ^_^ Oh, and also, I have made a list of things that I wouldn't mind getting my hands on... ^_^ Please take a look! :) ***
This way please... Before we start the tour, a little about myself... My real name is Jeri, and I am ;p years old. ^_^ I used to live in Green Bay, Wis, but anime and other pursuits led me to Kentucky, where I met others who also like anime too. I would like to go into meteorology soon, with a specialty in tornadic research, and currently am working on a physical science degree... This page is about some of my loves - Japanese Animation, geology, and tokusatsu, ...If you have any questions, compliments or complaints(other then my name, and that will *not* change, nor will any spellings I used of characters' names - that is how *I* interpret them...^_^), you're more then welcome to vocalize them at the end of the tour...
*What's New!*
This has come to my attention, ever since I started to bid on eBay. It seems that people are selling fansubs and Chinese bootleg DVDs(these are usually not done very well - to the current date, I have never been satisfied with a Chinese bootleg DVD...^_^) on eBay, as well as taped episodes of shows already shown here in the US($356 for Taped Ronin Warrior episodes?????? COME ON, PEOPLE!), which is VERY illegal! Please do not support buying these tapes or DVDs, and encourage your friends to do so as well, please? Buy the legitimate DVDs and support the Industry that keeps bringing cool anime to Cartoon Network and stores!! ^_^ Click on the above picture to see more on how to protest this...
What's New?
- March 12, 2009 Been struck once more with nostalgia, as much as my intrests have changed, my Troopers-fandom has not. So I plan on fixing this page up once more when my schedule permits(going to school again).
It is disheartening to me to find so many YST/RW sites and fics I once loved reading dropped off the net. I think I still have some printed off and/or saved in my files, but I would like to see them once more, now that I got bit with the YST-bug again. I know people have changed their interests and don't have the time they once did while maintaining their online pursuits, but I know once in a while it's great to go back and peek at the stories once more. ^_^
- New fanfic page, still in process... Hopefully new stories, new and fixed links, and better layout for all to see... ^_^ ***Also, I must unfortunately be the bearer of bad news... Kajite has sent me the following message about her Souls fic... 'Due to how much traveling and art shows I must do, and also because it has been so long since I have been able to write, I must abandon Souls indefinately. Please do not email me about my decision, as it was a hard choice to make. Thanks to everyone that complimented.'***
- *I am sorry, but due to new responsibilities added to my schedule, I will not be updating this page as much, until my time evens out... I will, however, write when I can ^_^
Shall we begin?
Now, Japanese Animation is the first stop on our tour, since I found out about it when my soon-to-be favorite series was showing on tv, and I was hooked by the third episode. It naturally is called Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, but when I first saw it, the title was 'Ronin Warriors'(first shown on American television on June 25, 1995). My favorite character is Tenku no Toma (or in the American version, Rowen of the Strata) but another character, Suiko no Shin(Cye of the Torrent) is a close second. Anyway, the series starts out with 5 teenage boys that call upon magical samurai armor to fight off an invasion by the evil Netherworld headed by an oni(demon) named Arago(Talpa) that is trying to take over the mortal world. I have seen more anime like YuYu Hakusho, HunterxHunter, Saiyuki, any of the Miyazaki movies, Full Metal Alchemist, and many others, which are becoming favorites of mine, but that is a hallway yet to be completed, since I just put this page up(as of June 8, 1997).
(scanned from my Detective Conan cd ^_^)
This is a great show! MeiTantei Conan(Detective Conan) is about a teenage detective named Kudo Shinichi who is forced to take a toxin meant to kill him, but it actually shrinks him to a small boy(renaming himself Edogawa Conan). How is Shinichi going to solve cases now? And how can he keep it from Ran, his girlfriend, without getting found out? Check here for a really cool page on this new series! Soon to be a wing devoted to Detective Conan too. :)
*NEW* Now there is a site to find the translations for Detective Conan manga! Go here to find all about the newest cases our young detective must solve in his quest to find the evil members of the Black Organization! ^_^
Coming soon!
New pages!!
more new information :)
maybe other ideas as well... feel free to inspire :)
Thanks, RoninRowan! :)
My new improved Fanfic page, coming soon!! (I hope...) Until then, here is my fanfic page.

Now announcing!! *Toma-chan pulls back a curtain to reveal a new wing, surmounted by cherry trees in blossom* The shrine to some of my favorite characters is now open! Feel free to walk among the halls and join in the worship... ^_^

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