And now for something completely different... Tony Keyes Homepage

Welcome to my Home Page!!
Please wipe your feet

Click Here for the Japanese Version!

This is a picture of some very Fat People - could this be the origins of the Macarena?

This is what it costs to get in here........

...........This is all it is worth

You are visitor number
Too Bad, the person before you won a Trip to Hawaii!
"... a terrible beauty is born"

This is a homepage about pictures, the photos I have taken over the last 10 years. Let's start with something simple...

T  o   o  T	This is a very bad picture of me...
|    ^    |
L  +--+  /
This is a very good picture of me(your jovial host!) indulging in my favourite Hobby

January 2004. Four years have passed since I last edited this page, wow! That's what having a girlfriend does to you. WE are now married, and have bought a new house, so I should get all that online someday.
One of my photos was featured on a CNN special about sunset photos! Check it out!
Click here for the full feature.
The "World's Smallest St. Patrick's Day Parade" page has been updated to include the 1998 parade (starring Shamus the stick insect,and much sillier than last year! ). And reports of the "World's largest covert St. Patrick's Day parade", involving over 50,000 Japanese music fans, have also been added.
A Japanese version of all these pages is also available (just to be a showoff!)
If any of the content of these page appears to suddenly turn into garbage like this...


It probably means the text is in Japanese. Dont freak out, it will only take you two or three years to learn to read it.

For those of you who are interested,,, my personal profile.

Getting down to the real reason my page is here, these are some of the more interesting photos I have taken over the years; (from a collection of over 10,000)
Click on the text or thumbnail images below to go to the gallery pages.
Some of these pages contain a large number of image files, but since your modem is so fast, that shouldn't be a problem.
Besides, you're in no position to complain, when I started this site I was uploading files at 2400baud! (Go ask your grandfather what that was like). Even now I am editing them on Windows 3.0!!

In Japan:

Tokyo Yokohama Kawagoe Sumo Jazz Skiing Fireworks Fuji
Tokyo Yokohama Kawagoe Sumo Wrestling Jazz Skiing Fireworks Mount Fuji

In Europe:

Dublin Paris Moscow Munich Brussels Gothenburg Trollhatten Milan Rome
Dublin Paris Moscow Munich Brussels Gothenburg Trollhatten Milan Rome

Out of this world:

Wierd Miniatures
Wierd Miniatures

Click here for an unreal time view of Dublin Bay!!!
Use your scroll buttons to create the virtual reality feeling of turning your head.

"World's Smallest St.Patrick's Day Parade" Japanese Homepage The Sumo Homepage 日本相撲協会

Finally, the "Who to Blame" section:(apart from me!)
Thanks indeed to "Kyle" Hirota for the Mac and Pierre for the camera,
to "2S" for use of the scanner.
and to the Big Old "P" for all the location shoots.
Special thanks to Simple Simon and Mr. U for the endless supply of single malt scotch!

Any comments,suggestions,criticism or cash donations should be sent to ME!

May Peace prevail on earth
Thanks for stopping by, I hope the time passed here was not wasted.
Here's one for the road.

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