I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

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Last updated on 4-2-00.

Welcome to my Anime Page! This page is dedicated to not only my personal favorite anime/manga series, but also to reviewing anime, and having general anime information for anyone's use. But enough talk! Let's get down to business!

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About people have visited this site since this counter was installed on 8-21-97. For those of you like myself who can't see the counter (YES, I can't see it EITHER!), last time I had someone check, it read: 3228227 (I say, EMBRACE the malfunction!)

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All anime and manga sited is copyrighted by their respective creators and... Well... Copyright holders. And NO you may not take anything from my page to use as your own without my permission. Sorry to be so stiff about this, but I can't let any Sue-Happy Lawyers target me for breakfast.

This page is "owned" and maintained by General Red Leader.

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