Haruka's Haven

Haruka's Anime Haven

Hello!! Welcome to Haruka's Haven. Please make yourself at home. Please excuse the lack of rooms to visit. I am grinding out more HTML as you read these words. I hope to have more pictures on this page very soon. Come back often and refresh the page each visit- you never now what may have been added!

Don't forget to check out my coloring book. It has pictures from the Sailormoon coloring books. It's just been redone with thumbnails. Take a look!!!! If you want to see more of the sailormoon coloring book check the link below for Haruka's Haven!

Click here for my coloring book

Below is My Family Album. (Sailor Uranus pics) Metallica, my friend from Anime chat gave me the pictures for this gallery. If any of the pictures shown belong to you and you don't want them on this page please email me and I will remove them. I would like to give credit to the people who's pictures I've used on my site. They were found all over the web. I hope to have more pictures soon. I have more images at my Haruka's Haven site. Click on the Haruka's Haven link in the links area!

Haruka's Snapshots! click here

I hope you like my snapshots! I couldn't have done it without the help of my friend ICEBGC! Thanks Ice *hugs*

Bubblegum Crisis Fans- click here!
OK- now that you've seen my images and my coloring page why not check out a preview of my friend ICE's Bubblegum Crisis page. It's a taste of the wonderful page he is working on. Hope ya like it!

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Last update August 20,1997

Links to other sites on the Web

Anime & Manga pictures
Tokyo Chat
Haruna's Homeroom
You Don't Know Jack-The Netshow
ICQ download site
My Palace!
Haruka's Haven
My First Page
Anime Junction
Princess Chibi Chibi's Page
Belldandy's Page

Thanks for visiting Haruka's Haven. Please email me with suggestions or concerns. I can use them! I'm new at this! Come back soon, to see what I've learned! Don't forget to sign my guestbook!
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Cute Cute Pet Shop: Adopt a
pet today!
Here is my addorable pet Petie-chan! If you want your own pet click on the pet shop picture!

© 1997 sailor_haruka@hotmail.com

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