Welcome to the home of Seele, a Neon Genisis Evangelion webring. The purpose of this ring is to easily link the sites of Evangleion fans together. I only really ask two thing of members. 1. Their site must have something to do with Evangelion. 2. Members should get permission from Gainax to use Evangelion images in their pages. It's up to you. But, if you don't have Gainax's concent and you use the copyrighted images, it's your butt, not mine. If you don't have permission to use the images, you can go to Gainax's Image Usage Page and get it. It'll take all of 30 seconds. Anyway, thats it. Now, just follow the steps below and you're in.

Step 1: fill out the form and send it away.

Submit site to Seele
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Step 2: Choose which html fragment type you like better (standard or Java) and add it to your page. In the spots in the html code where it says YOUR_IMAGE_CHOICE_HERE, pick an image from the image page and type its name there (example: say you like seele01.jpg, just type that title in the image choice part.) In the areas that read SITE_ID_HERE, type the ID number given to by webring you when you completed the form.

Pick your images here

HTML Fragments and Examples

Java Style

Member of Seele
Generate more traffic!

HTML Fragment

<--BEGIN CUT HERE--> <table border=0><caption><font size=1> <a href="/Tokyo/Flats/6675">Member of Seele</a> </font></caption> <tr><td><a href="/Tokyo/Flats/6675" target="_top"> <img src="/Tokyo/Flats/6675/YOUR_IMAGE_CHOICE_HERE" alt="Generate more traffic!"></a></td> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide this from older browsers function gotoPage (form) { if (form.way.selectedIndex == 0) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next"; if (form.way.selectedIndex == 1) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&skip"; if (form.way.selectedIndex == 2) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next5"; if (form.way.selectedIndex == 3) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&prev"; if (form.way.selectedIndex == 4) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&sprev"; if (form.way.selectedIndex == 5) parent.location="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&random"; } document.write('<td valign="middle"><form name="JSWR">'); document.write('<input type="button" value="Go !!!" onClick="gotoPage(this.form)"><br>'); document.write('<select name="way">'); document.write('<option checked>Next site'); document.write('<option>Skip next site'); document.write('<option>Next 5 sites'); document.write('<option>Previous site'); document.write('<option>Back 2 sites'); document.write('<option>Random site'); document.write('</select>'); document.write('</form></td>'); // End hide --> </script> <noscript> <td valign="middle"><font size="2"><ul> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next" TARGET="_top">Next site</a> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&skip" TARGET="_top">Skip next site</a> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next5" TARGET="_top">Next 5 sites</a> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&prev" TARGET="_top">Previous site</a> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&sprev" TARGET="_top">Back 2 sites</a> <li><a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&random" TARGET="_top">Random site</a> </ul></font></td> </noscript> </tr> </table> <--END CUT HERE-->

Standard Style

This Seele site is owned by Your_Name_Here.

Want to join Seele?

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HTML Fragment

<!--START STANDARD CUT HERE--> <CENTER> <FONT Size=3> <a href="/Tokyo/Flats/6675"><img src="/Tokyo/Flats/6675/IMAGE_CHOICE_HERE" align="left"></a> <a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next"><img src="/Tokyo/Flats/6675/next.jpg" align="right"></a> This <a href="http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/6675">Seele</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:SITE_OWNER_EMAIL"><FONT SIZE="2">Your_Name_Here</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> <FONT SIZE="3"> Want to join<a href="http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/6675"> Seele</A>?</FONT> <BR><BR> <FONT Size=3> <B> [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&prev" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?random&ring=seele" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&id=_SITE_ID_HERE_&next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=seele&list" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </B> </FONT> </CENTER> <!--STOP STANDARD CUT HERE-->
Step 3: Wait. Now that you've filled out the form and added the html fragment, somebody (either another member or myself) will add you to the ring. If you've waited more than a day or two, e-mail me, and I'll add you to the ring. Well, that's it, welcome aboard.

Edit Member Site Info

Site ID:

You're since 8/11/97.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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