Hi. This is me. Well duh. Anywho, welcome to my humble (haha.. I made a funny) lil' homepage. How u found me.. I dunno, but since ur here... feel free to look around and be scared out of ur mind...I mean...NOT be scared out of your mind...*damnit!* This page really doesn't have a theme or anything, it just lets ya know a lil bit of what goes on in the extreamly cute head-of-mine. It's me at my finest! I suck-ass at html, so bear with me. I try to update this thingy as often as possible but I cant always do that cause of this damn building where they try and cram all this knowledge in my head, my wannabe social life & now my jobs kinda interfere.. so bear with me. ENJOY! BWAHA..*cough, hack, wheeze*...HAHA..ug...
This little counter thingy states that you are the
st/nd/rd or th person to be traumatized my groovie homepage! Aren't you proud? *wipes away a tear* I know I am!
Updated: January 15th, 2001 I updated Junk and other things...
This guestbook is here for a reason ya know...*hint hint* and for you REALLY smart people who don't pick up on hints very well, *a-hem*...
Why don't my capital "A's" show up??? Wait...now they feel like showing up again...I HATE HTML!!!
Things I have Done When I am Bored
My Favourite Candy and Other Random Foods I Like
My Cool-Ass friends
My Mike Johnson Section
Random Junk
Stuff I have Killed
Things I have been locked in
My MANY nicknames
Stories by Heather (that would be me)
NEW!!! Links!
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By the way people, these are two seperate quizzes..Just so ya know!
View My Guestbook
This is a Toronto Maple Leaf page. (I absolutly LOVE hockey and have every intention on marrying myself a hockey player.) DAMN! They're SO perfectly HOT! Anywho, I don't like the Wings. They make me sick.
No offence or anything...Wait.. Offence IS intended.. Silly me=)
smackers/aquamarine freeze*~*
Well, this section talks about what I do in my spare time... and trust me, I have a LOT of spare time on my hands. C'mon, do u think someone with a social life would build such a great page?
Basically, the title gives away what's in this section
This part is dedicated to all my friends (even the ones I want to kill *a-hem* Katie)And u can see why I am the way i am.. I mean if u spent 5 minutes with my friends, you'd break down crying
This is my FAVOURITE section. This is for my sexy Mike Johnson of the Toronto Maple Leafs... Well, WAS of Toronto, then he was a Lightning...But right now he's a Coyote...There is a nice picture gallery linked to this section as well=)
This is just a bunch of misc. stuff that really didn't fit into it's own section. In here is a profile on me and other crud.
Click here to learn about all the poor creatures that have entered my house and never came out alive.
Please take a moment of silence for the poor aminals.
Over my 18 years of living, I have gotten myself locked in quite a few spaces. If u really want to know where I have been locked, click here=)
To read all my nicknames. I think I am up to like 190 something now..it's kinda funny.
This is my newest section on stories I have writen with a co-writer.
So far there is only one story there now, but keep checking back ya hear?
This is gonna be my coolest section on here as soon as I get more hotties on it. In case you haven't guessed, this section has all the guys I think are so sexy! I only have 2 guys on here so far, but that's okay.. there enough to keep you satisfied=)
This is a new section...In case ya didn't figure it out by the title, this section is a bunch of links to pages i enjoy and visit frequently!
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-My Drawings