Welcome! This page was updated 2008-Sep-11.

Erika visited her cousin in Sweden in August,

and we had a big birthday party for Johan.

We have repainted the house.

Erika took part in the Lucia celebrations at the Swedish embassy in December 2007.

Johan's parents visited us in Japan recently. Here are some pictures we took at that occasion.
Other news: Johan got his PhD at a cermony in Bribane, September 26 2006.

(Johan with PhD bonnet and cape)
PhD cermony in Sweden

(Jack the Pumpkin King and Oggie Boggie)
Jack the Pumpkin King and Oggie Boggie


(Santa, Erika, and Linnea)
Sking in Sweden 2005

(Santa, Erika, and Linnea)
Santa visited Erika and Linnea


We recently went back to Sweden to meet family and friends, and celebrating Christmas with Erika's cousins Linnea and Albin.

Johan, Mayumi and Erika

Johan's PhD-related links: click here

Other Links:

(mailbox icon) Johan and Mayumi Berntsson

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