Welcome to the

New Sailor Moon Ring

  • If you are already part of this ring, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site ID and password below:
    Site ID:

    How To Join The Ring:

    Here are the steps that need to be followed to join the Ring.
    Please follow them closely to preserve the integrity of the ring!
    • Fill out the below form to register your site and write down the Site ID number you are assigned. This will put your page in the Ring 'Queue', where it will remain until I, the ringmaster, adds you to the ring. This does not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done later.

      Site URL:
      Site Title:

    • Add the below HTML fragment to your homepage.

    Begin HTML Fragment

    Chibichibi Kawaii Sailor Moon Ring
    This a "Chibichibi Kawaii Sailor Moon Ring" site is owned by the (Your Name Here)

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    Want to join the ring? Click here for info.


    End HTML Fragment

    __ = where you should put the ID # assign to you
    _________= Where you should put your Email Address

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