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Hi there! Welcome to my Slam Dunk Homepage! Whew, I finally found the time to revamp it a little! As you can see, I've added a site map at the bottom of every page for easier navigation. Also, there are several new sub-sections, hope you find them interesting! Actually, at first, my homepage was mostly on Slam Dunk and there used to be a small Tamagotchi Graveyard section as well. However, I've decided to broaden out its scope to reflect my varied interests more closely and so, I've added more sections! (but Slam Dunk will still take centrestage) Anyway, enough with my babbling & have fun surfing my page! (^^)

Slam Dunk Graphic


Slam Dunk is a basketball-based comic series written by Takehiko Inoue. The main storyline is about how Hanamichi Sakuragi(Ying-mu Hua-dao) was introduced to basketball and the subsequent events in which his team(Shohoku High School Basketball Team) was involved in. There are also various sub-plots which add extra spice to the story!
The whole story is incredibly addictive and I personally feel that it is one of the best comics ever written! Excellent storyline, great humour, beautifully drawn comic characters... ...need I go on? Besides, I set up this homepage not only as a tribute to Slam Dunk, but also to introduce it to people who've never read it before. To all those who've never read Slam Dunk... don't know what you're missing!


The Teams

My Favourite Characters

Picture Gallery


ABOUT ME - this is just the main page of the "About Me" sub-section. There are some interesting pages under this section! (see Site Map)

Fun Stuff - a sizable number of interesting small programs for you to download and play!

Alternative Slam Dunk Fiction

Listen To Slam Dunk Music

Slam Dunk News & Other Miscellaneous Information

Slam Dunk Card Trading Station

Slam Dunk Mailing List

Slam Dunk Links

Other Interesting Links

Hanamichi Graphic

Kaede Graphic

VOTE for your favourite player!
E-mail me to tell me who you like most!(Voting session ends 31st Dec 1999) Alternatively, you may fill in a form here. Results of the last voting session are located here! Check out the Winner!
Do e-mail me if you've got any suggestions/comments about my homepage, Slam Dunk pictures/information to donate or just wanna chat about Slam Dunk!

Congratulations! You are the th person to catch the Slam Dunk Fever!(since 25th June 1997)

This page was last updated on the 6th of September, 1999!

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Picture Link To Slam Dunk Forever!!!

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    [About the teams] [Alternative fiction] [Card trading station] [My favourite characters] [My mailing list] [News and other miscellaneous information] [Slam Dunk links] [Slam Dunk music] [Picture gallery (main) - Hanamichi (Hua-dao), Hisashi (Shou), Kaede (Feng), Ryota (Liang-tian), Takenori (Gang-xian), Miscellaneous, Team, Kainan (Hai-nan), Ryonan (Ling-nan), Shohoku (Xiang-bei), Shoyo (Xiang-yang)] [Voting arena]
Stormriders (main)
    [Pictures of Aaron] [Pictures of Ekin] [Miscellaneous pictures] [Pictures for backgrounds]
About Me (main)
    [Banner greetings] [Fun Stuff] [General pictures (main) - Scenery, Sanrio, Final Fantasy VII, Me and my friends, For webpages] [Other links]

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