SKJAM!'s Fanfic Page

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Ranma makes a very foolish wish. Can he live with the consequences?

Part 1/4
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4

Ranma 'N' Roll

(XOVER) A mysterious young woman comes looking for Ranma. Why does she want him, and what is her secret?

Part 1/5
Part 2/5
Part 3/5
Part 4/5
Part 5/5


(XOVER) What if "Sliders" was an anime show?

Part 1/2
Part 2/2


Akane finds herself more or less in Ranma's shoes for a day...

Part 1/2
Part 2/2


The flip side of "Playfair".

Part 1/1


Shampoo tries a new plan to get on Ranma's good side. *Not* a lemon.

Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3


A typical day at Ucchan's. Or is it?

Part 1/1

Deep Reflections

(semi-darkfic) Nodoka finds a use for the broken Nanban Mirror. Can Ranma's fiancees face what the mirror shows?

Part 1/1


Nominated for Best Ranma Story 1996 on RAAC, and the story that spawned the "revengefic" craze. Ranma and Akane decide that turnabout is fair play...

Part 1/7
Part 2/7
Part 3/7
Part 4/7
Part 5/7
Part 6/7
Part 7/7

Wings Over China

Wandering gargoyles visit a certain valley...

Part 1/1


An experimental piece.

Part 1/1

But That Way Lies...

If things had gone even more wrong.

Part 1/1

Half A Conversation

Warning! Sick!

Part 1/1


A possible future of the Ranmaverse. Not a happyfic.

Part 1/1


Usagi learns that knowing the future doesn't always mean being ready for it...

Part 1/1

A Mother's Wish

Mrs. Moroboshi takes center stage! But what does she really want?

Part 1/1

The sequel (sort of) to Sequence. Ranma must try to deal with the long-term effects of a foolish wish that has most definitely made his life...


Book One, Chapters 1 - 7
Book One, Chapter 8 and Special Feature


A fanfic I won't actually be writing...

Part 1/1

Edge of Tomorrow

(XOVER) The Bronze Saints of Athena are transported to the future, and must battle the Legion of Super-heroes.

Part 1/1

Twilight Existence

Another alternate universe story, as the amnesiac Ranko must make her way in a world where Jyuusenkyo springs change minds as well as bodies...

Book One, Chapters 1 - 8

Half Moon

(XOVER) What if Ranma were engaged to Sailor Moon?

Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3

Another Angel

A slightly different look at the life of one of the Ranma cast.

Part 1/1


Shampoo + Love potion = Trouble! But not the kind you might think...

Part 1/1

Ranko's Life S

What if Akane had been born a boy...and so was Ranma?

Part 2/2


Ukyou comes to a decision about her love life.

Part 1/1


Another look at the Ranmaverse from a different angle.

Part 1/1

Those Who Can't

"It's always been assumed that if Ranma married Akane, he'd take over the Tendou Dojo. But what if that wasn't possible?"

Part 1/1

One Minus One

The fairy princess Minky Momo must help a writer find a happy ending. But he's never known one himself... No knowledge of the TV series is necessary to enjoy this story.

Part 1/1

Journal of Sanjuro Tanaka

This is a side story to Gregg Sharp's ( "Happi Days" storyline, but can be read alone. Happosai attempts to get revenge on Ranma by spraying all of Fuurinkan High with "permanent" Jyuusenkyo water. How do the innocent bystanders deal with the results?

Part 1/1

Overused Fanfic Themes v1.3

Genma & Souun Write A Fic

The two fathers try their hands at ending the series.

Part 1/1

Ukyou's Wonderful Life

"Like in that American movie?"
"Kami-sama loves that film!"

Part 1/1

A Matter of Face

Upperclassman Kuno finally gets a clue. Not a happyfic.

Part 1/1


Victor thought he could avoid any bad effects of buying things from a magical shop by following the directions. But he forgot one little thing....

Part 1/1

NEW! Added October 31, 1999

Ma Vie Et Roses

What if an anime fan woke up in an anime world as one of the characters...but it was a show he hasn't seen? Join Skyler as he attempts to figure out who's who and what's going on before it's too late. It is not necessary to have seen "Shoujo Kakumei Utena" to understand this story.

Part 1/4
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4


Ma Vie Et Boissons

A side story for Ma Vie et Roses, featuring Skyler's adventures in another series that doesn't get much fanfic...

Part 1/1

Last modified October 31, 1999, by Ronny Hedin. Also responsible for tharkNESS
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