Anime-Manga RolePlaying Network (AMRN)
The Tech Report
With a 110MHz core difference, 350MHz memory difference, twice the pipelines, and twice the texturing ability. It shouldn't be much of a surprise that the TNT is hopelessly left in the dust.
The GeForce 3 sees a doubling of performance when shifting to multi-texturing. The two textures per pipe gives the GeForce 3 an edge. The TNT two pipe design loses one of its pipelines to the application of the extra texture. It's amazing to me that the ancient graphics adapter even manages to gain the marginal amount of speed it did.
My 1GHz PIII likely manages to eat every bit of available fillrate that the TNT has to offer to reach its score. Nonetheless under these conditions the GPU of the GeForce 3 leaves little question as to whose king.
At this point things take a interesting turn. The complexity of this scene is very high and the GF3 loses 80% of its performance. The TNT by comparison only loses 40% of its respective score. Overall the TNT still loses to the more advanced GeForce 3, but the score leaves questions.