Bryan Kaj Siab Somnouk Douglas Thao Worra's
Incredible Tower of Stuff.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of great people. Seek what they sought.-Basho
Hmong Thao Faxy Hmong Thao Saykao
Resume The Worra Family
My Current Job: Hmong National Development

A man only borrows his ancestors' name.
It is his responsibility to return it to them unblemished.

Do not become part of the dreams of angry men. - Hmong saying.
Favorite Books  
Mr. Pop
by Don Schanche
The Ravens
By Christopher Robbins

A man who has mastered his art reflects it in his every action.- Samurai maxim.

Favorite Films: A Partial List
Big Trouble In Little China
by John Carpenter
by Clint Eastwood
Blade Runner
by Ridley Scott
The Thing
by John Carpenter
by David Lynch
by Ridley Scott
Wings of Desire
By Wim Wenders

"A man needs new experiences in his life. Without them, something inside sleeps, and seldom awakens. The Sleeper MUST Awaken!"- Duke Leto Atreides.

Favorite Poems

"Sisters, every religion must be tolerated because every man must get to heaven in his own way"
Frederick the Great, addressing a convent of nuns.


Buddhism The Code of Bushido Sufism
The Art of War The Book of Five Rings The 36 Strategems

Keep the sword sharp, but the mind sharper.

Civilization 2 Jagged Alliance SimCity 2000
Kenjutsu Legend of the Five Rings Film Collection


Epitath For An Army of Mercenaries: A.E. Houseman

These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.

Their shoulders held the sky suspended
They stood, and earth's foundations stay
What God abandoned, these defended,
And saved the sum of things for pay.


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