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Now playing a piano solo from Laputa: Castle in the Sky....

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Last updated, : 31/12/97

This place is still like where it was the last time i left it... *sign* so sorry for people who came in and see the same stuff again. Holidays are coming to a close and after working for the whole of 1 1/2 months, i decided to take a break and do something about these pages. Should be updated in a few days.

I've got a link which i think all otakus should visit. . It's about the recent biased (IMHO) article by USA Today. Take a look at those fanfics at the bottom of Haruka's page. Worth reading ^_^

Damn.... the stupid counter is not working properly even after i have resetted it .......

Manga Basement This is located at another site. Mainly reviews of some manga. There is also alot of graphics accompanying each page. Maintained by Ko-san. Not sure if it is up. Updated
Anime Attic This is one of the few places that was in a big mess. Anyway, i only have Studio Ghibli's works for now. Updated
Music Cellar Okay, i am presently collecting some anime midi music. so, i am still working on this page. i'm thinking of adding real audio but.............that's the future. There are only a few midi and wav sound in there. Updated
Anime Animated
This place is also on another site. A few new gifs. In the mist of making a text list. Anyway, do take a look. Please note that it is choke full of heavy graphics so it might take a while to load. Maintained by the lovely Goddess of Autumn Updated
Garage 'O' Stuff Another off site place. Still in the process of making it. It's like a page of desktop stuff blah blah. I am kindda hooked to making some startup logos etc. but i am still working on them. The program that i am using is always stuck..........gotto think about it. oh yeah, i will also have something like site of the month blah blah.. No Entry
Link up !!! Used to be my guestbook but since i hardly go check it out, i might else change it to something more interesting. So ALL WEBMASTERS out there, submit your URL and a link to your banner blah blah here. It's sort of free advertising. For surfers, take a look at this link page that i don't have to do myself ^^;;; Updated
Studio access here yet. It's a page of myself n any artwork of mine. First i must look for a scanner........... No Entry
Da Links The name says it all. But this page is slightly dready. but the links should keep you busy. They're places that i have been to. Updated

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