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You are listening to Prelude from Final Fantasy VII.
The MIDI will sound at its best if you have Sound Blaster installed.

This webpage is best viewed using Netscape 3.0 or above with 800x600 resolution, 16 million colours

Hi everybody my name is Felix Sebastian. I'm the owner of this homepage and I'll be your host while you are in here. I once again welcome you to my humble homepage and thank you for taking time to visit me. Don't forget to send me an E-mail if you have comment, suggestion about my webpage . I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

For regular visitors, thank you very much for your interest in my page. I always try to keep improving the speed and layout of my page. As most of you know that I'm working full time so keeping this page in tip-top shape requires an effort.

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since 16 January 2002

Last Update: 16 Janury 2002
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As you can the see the page got a total facelift. The overall design suppose to look more mature/professional than my previous one. Tell me what U think of it