
Version 1.0.3

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This tag is an enhanced <CF_Login>, which is created by Cassie Wilmott.

The most advanced feature on <CF_Secure> is that you may make only
SELECTED files to have security control, but not whole files in physical or virtual path
expressed in PATHCHECK attribute. In addition, username and password will be
timeout after a user-defined idle time.

Be sure to put this template in the most beginning of application.cfm
or whatever files that will be parsed at first if you use your own application
and session management.

Attributes for CF_Secure
Userfield (Required) Table TEXT field, which contains users' login name.
Passfield (Required) Table TEXT field, which contains users' login password.
Table (Required) The name of the table that contains users' access record including username and password.
Datasource (Required) The datasource that contains access table.
Error_Login (Required) Error template that is used to include while login incorrect.
Pathcheck (Required) Pathcheck is used to identify the highest path that the page request may originate at. Same as AREACHECK in <CF_Login>
Front_Door (Required) Required if use REDIRECT mode and Routine mode. Front door is the starting point of security control.
Redirect Default value is "Yes"; you'll have to post username and password to this tag itself if use default setting, after that user will redirect to front door. On the other hand, setting this value to "No" you will have to post form to front door instead of this tag.
Routine (Optional) This attribute is used to specify whichever files in this path you would like to have security control. You may specify one or more templates and use "," as delimiter. Default value is empty string, this will take all templates under security control. (case-sensitive)
ApName (Optional) Application name used in CF_Secure, you may set this attribute to prevent having collisions with other existing applications.
Sessiontimeout (Optional) To specify the lifespan of session variables that holding username and password. Default value is 30 seconds. Use cold fusion CreateTimeSpan() function to set this attribute.
Timeout_Page (Optional) Timout page is showed while user's login session is timeout.


1. Login with redirect mode and whole templates in this path are under security control

2. Login with non-redirect mode and whole templates in this path are under security control

3. Login with routine mode (This mode can be used in both redirect and non redirect login)


Visit my CF_Secure homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/4325/
I will put the latest update on this site, your suggestions may be planned in further version.
Feel free to write me if you find any bug. I will be very appreciative of your help.
CF_Secure has been tested on WindowsNT IIS 4.0 with Cold Fusion Server 4.0.1.
I don't have other platforms to try CF_Secure, if you find any problem on using this tag on
different systems, please let me know and tell me what error messages you have fallen on.
This is a shareware, if you like this tag and use it on applications, please send $10
or a postcard, which contains beautiful local scenery that would be nice!!

Email: bertc@ms1.hinet.net

Disclaimer: While I have done my best to ensure the accurate operation of this tag,
Bert Chen cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions and cannot
accept any liability for the results of using CF_Secure. It is best to double-check
secured pages with different illegal login before publishing to users.


CF_Secure by Bert Chen, 1999