Welcome to the Brotherhood Anime Page

The Brotherhood Anime page has now been placed on the net for your viewing pleasures. Please join the contest that are being announced, it only makes the contest more fun don't you think? Well the contest's have been up for quite some time but you lazy ass net surfer's who i see aren't so dedicated to anime as you say you are still haven't joined!!! For more information on the Brotherhood, you can enter the Brotherhood info page. The Brotherhood has also set up a ANIME Club located in the Philippines, so if anyone lives in the Philippines then you can enter the P.A.S or Philippines Anime Society page.

Important Notice!!! I will be working on my homepage from my schools internet, so this page will start to grow slowly. Any of you who have Emailed me to place their page as a link, the links shall be placed there, just give me time. Thank you. New contests will placed up on this page. One is the "Top 10" contest, it contains the same categories as the one placed on this page. Top 10 series or OAV, movie, female and male characters, Hero and villains. And the other contest is the "New Goddess" contest, this is where you Email a nominee to who shall be the new goddess. Please join the contests, a lot of support will be helpful.

Welcome fellow member or newcomer to the Brotherhood's Anime Page, If you wish to become a member, please Email us a description of yourself and any interests you might have.

Note: We are NOT a cult! We are just simple a group of people dedicated to the art and style of Japanese Animation, amongst other things.

We the Brotherhood, is based in the Philippines where in International School Manila, we view the latest and the oldest in Animation.
In all our experience in viewing "quality" Animation, we the Brotherhood have decided to rate the these animations in several topics of "Top Ten" lists. Although the new contest will soon be in effect, please refer to last years anime winner's.

Note: The bolder and bigger the title, the more votes it contains. And as a helpful Brother, I have created links to these anime titles so that you people with no anime backgrounds can look through and realize what you have missed. Not all of these links are very imformative, there aren't a lot of pages which do certain anime.

Top 10 Series or Volume in anime

For our Number one on the Series or Volume in anime, it seems the Knight Saber's are unaffected by Ranma Saotome's katsutenshin amaguriken technique(chestnuts roasting over an open fire) but can they withstand the power of the armor piercing shells of the Tank Police?

  • Ranma 1/2
  • Bubblegum Crisis
  • Dominion Tank Police
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • El Hazard
  • Oh My Goddess
  • Vampire Princess Miyu
  • Burn Up W
  • Tenchi Muyo!
  • Gunsmith Cats
  • Top 10 Anime movies

    For the Anime movies, it seems that Matoko Kusanagi comes head-to-head with Terry Bogard while Jubei Kipagami watches from the sidelines. For last place though, there is a massive fight going between Street Fighter, Wicked City, Santuary, and Neon Genesis Evangelion:the movie.

  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Fatal Fury: the motion picture
  • Ninja Scroll
  • Ranma1/2:Nihao my concubine

  • Akira
  • Macross Plus:Movie Edition
  • Fist of the North Star
  • Tenchi Muyo:In Love
  • Street Fighter:the movie
  • Wicked City
  • Sanctuary
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion:the movie
  • Top 10 Female Anime Characters

    Ahhhh... the ever so beautiful women of Anime. For this category it seems that the ever so bouncy Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury) has taken the lead with the crime busting chick Natsumi Tsujimoto (You're under arrest) not far behind. Coming in third is Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion), will she be able to catch up by trampling the competition with her EVA? Or is Nabiki Tendo (Ranma1/2) going to bribe her way to the top? But what becomes of Ryo (Burn Up! W)? Will she take down all that stands in her *ahem* way with her shock gun or charm her way to the top?

  • Mai Shiranui
  • Natsumi Tsujimoto
  • Asuka Langley Soryu
  • Nabiki Tendo
  • Ryo (Burn Up! W)
  • Skuld
  • Chun Li
  • Rally Vincent
  • Nene Romanova
  • Belldandy
  • Ranco (Girl Type Ranma)
  • Top 10 Male Anime Characters

    Come and see! It looks as if Ranma Saotome (Ranma1/2) has become victorious in defeating all the other male anime characters. For second place though, there is still a massive conflict happening inside the arena. It seems that Tetsuo Shima (Akira) is fighting Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury) in a one on one battle while super swordsmen Onikirimaru (Ogre Slayer) and Jubei Kipagami (Ninja Scroll) duel it out with a fight to the death, but wait... what's this? Now this is pretty odd, now tell me what Yusaku Godai (Maison Ikkoku) is doing here in the arena? Wait a minute who's he fighting? MR. FUJISAWA (El Hazard)??? This might be interesting...

  • Ranma Saotome
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Terry Bogard
  • Jubei Kipagami
  • Onikirimaru
  • Yusaku Godai
  • Mr. Fujisawa
  • Bean Bandit
  • Kaneda
  • Links to other sites on the Web

    Reiken's Brotherhood page
    Loonee's Brotherhood page
    Largo's BROTHERHOOD page
    P.A.S (Philippine Anime Society)
    The Anime Web Turnpike(A great source for anime)

    © 1997 ddbattlemover@hotmail.com

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